By; David Bruce

There has been a trend, since Darwin, to de-mystify astrology and bring it clearly into the realm of scientific fact. I grew up in that environment; the astrology I studied was stripped of its spiritual roots. Not surprisingly, I became a skilled technical astrologer who was a whiz at calculation, knew proper terminology and the 'book answers.' Yet, the proofound tools I had in my hands seemed as satisfying as a hospitlal menu.
My memory for details aided me in consuming serving upon serving of facts--like a fat man at a feast. It was a severely bland diet and I nearly quit the field. Fortunately, a few voices in the forefront of astrology began to suggest meditation as a means to reach a beter understanding of the planets. I was a product of the sixties, but it had never crossed my mind to apply metaphysics to the "science" of Astrology. When I did, it changed my world.
Before my first cup of tea in the morning, I sat down and went to each of the planets in my mind. Instead of seeking facts I soon began to trust my own feeling. Words I had pinned to the planets became mantras to evoke a responce. In a few weeks, I could feel the living presence of those celestial forms as distinct beings influencing my life and the lives of those around me.
Eighteen years of study suddenly made sense. When I reached to touch it, the Sun was no longer just a few keywords, but a heartbeat and a Light within. As I followed it on its daily journey through the sky, the signs opened up and spoke to me in a way no book can.
Astrology will always have its technical side and I am indebted to it for the language of symbols that it taught me. For now, those symbols have become the road to knowledge. Behind each glyph is everything you have always wanted to know about that planet, sign or house. I believe that astrology and the public are best served when we begin to look inside.
Is it science or is it metaphysics? Consider the following thought; you may know of a family in your neighborhood, you may even know theri names, occupations, and place in the community. Yet, unless you reach out and make contact, you will never begin to understand them.




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