By; Linda G. Meadows

Much outright snake worship remains in parts of India, including that of the snake goddess Manasa in Bengal, who is identified as a most high-ranking Nagini.
The Naga is related to the king cobra.
The Nagas come from the galaxial spheres. Not from this galaxy that we know of; but one on the other side. We (Naga) came from another planet. We were brought forth by a being at a point halfway between earth and from where I came. The being was a superior being that looked man-like. He had a round, bald head and stood upright like a man. He was small in build, but he had powers. He could pull forth energy from the planet from where I came. And he could send it forth to the planet where I am. I came from another dimension, and I entered as Naga; the semi-divine serpent being who came from the legendary undersea empire of serpent beings.
Although the undersea empire is a legend it was given forth through vision to man so that he may know that we (Nagas) came from the sea in the form of serpent; that we existed as supreme beings and entities, yet, the undersea empire was but symbology. We swam forth and entered upon the land, and crawled on our bellies like snakes; we were that of humans. For we were the same size as homo sapiens, yet within our being we had a human mind. We watched from tall grass at a distance from tall grass at a distance from the peoples of this land as they built large ritual fires at night and threw human victims into a deep, dark pit of snakes in worship of us; Naga.
We watched onward at the people there and we watched over the people. From memory I tell you these things. From long ago. From many life times that I have traveled through. And I have recalled being !ueen in more than one life cycle. When I was Naga I was Queen. I was Queen of the land one more time since then, in the human form. And I am Queen now. I am Queen in need and search of my King. For he exists; this I know.
Somewhere through time he exists. From the planet that I first came from before I entered this earth as Naga, I was with my King. I was with him when the superior being brought me through the dimensions of the galaxy. He brought with me an essence of my King, who came with me; but it was but an essence. His entirety remained on that planet, and went I don't know where. And where he is, I don't know where. But yet I feel his existence, and know that to be complete, I will have to find him; and him me. And we will have to need and know each other; and be complete.
He is somewhere; I can not say where. I just know he exists.
Perhaps he has traveled through time, through the galaxies, through the worlds beyond worlds, in search of me. Perhaps....
My King would not be evil unto me. My King would know me, and protect me; even with his own life; for I am his life, and he is mine. I have suffered long and have grown aged with want and need of him. For time has made me forgotten but time has also brought me to remember that he has existed. And he still yet exists. I feel him; his presence is near, but I don't know him yet. I don't know where he is.
TO be Naga is to be at one with the serpent; even unto the dragon, for they are co-related. Even unto the beast, for it is like unto us. It is said that Naga is not necessarily an evil creature unless it is harmed, and then it can be terrible. I know that Naga exists; for I have taken on entity of the great god Naga. It has entered my being, my body; and it has transformed the features of my face; as I could feel them moving into the shape of a large serpent head.
I have traveled on the astral plane in the form of Naga; a large snake. I have had people write to me and tell me of the visit of this creature who entwined around their body and held its head very close to their face and looked into their eyes. And I have been told that the great serpent had "humanoid eyes." I replied to them; :Indeed, it had humanoid eyes, because it was human."
My King exists....
Approximately six years ago, while preparing for sleep, I saw the presence of a spiritual entity which was in the form of a black snake. It sprang from the floor and lit beside me upon the bed. It seemed to be a friendly little creature; I was not afraid. No sooner than it had appeared, it sprang upward from the bed and disappeared again back into the floor. Later when asking a Reverend Spiritualist medium, (in Columbus, OH) the meaning of this visit from the snake, I was told; "That may have been the king cobra; that may have meant that your mate is looking for you."
Many things have coe to light since then. It was six years later that I became Naga again; as I was when I first entered this world, this planet; many many eons of years ago, in the form of my rasw essence, when I entered the body of a huge snake; and became Naga.
That is where Naga started. And that is how it began. We came from the outer galaxies.



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