"In the summer of 1985 I began to receive a vision. It came in stages starting as a ball with hair or threads growing out of it. I came to understand that the ball was the earth and the threads were the teachings and beliefs of love that run hroughout the world, through-out all of our religions, our relationships, our dreams and our lives. As the vision continued, the threads came together and formed a net which totally and completely surrounded the world with love. I was then told "Now find a way to share what you have learned with, say, at least 10% of the population."
"In August 1985 the story (complete with name) of SUNRISE arrived. The vision was shared with others and 12 individuals came together on September 19 who agreed to pursue networking love in our world." S.M. Foy.
On October 4, 1987, the SUNRISE board of Directors announced WORLD LOVE CONNECTION DAY the 15th of each month. It is suggested that all who wish to participate in this net-making visualize themelves full of love and then see this love extending outward in our world until all the threads of love in our world come together to encircle the earth with a net of love. WORLD OF LOVE CONNECTION DAY is for experiencing and expressing unconditional love as the individual understands it, wishes to experience it, and wishes to extend it to others.




By; S.M. Foy


If I want a world of LOVE,
Then LOVE is always the answer,
LOVE in its fullest, most complete meaning is
That means total acceptance, letting go of judgment,
letting go of shoulds.
Total acceptance allows for freedom--freedom allows change
and growth.
Unconditional Love has let go of all directives,
all chains, all ropes.
Unconditional Love breeds Unconditional LOVE.
Unconditional Love teaches simply by example.
Unconditional Love starts with me.
Unconditional Love includes loving myself
even when I LOVE conditionally.
The pathway to Unconditional LOVE is lit
by forgiveness.
Forgiveness is becoming aware that judgment was actually
never my job in the first place.
Forgiveness allows for Unconditional Love to take place.
The opposite of forgiveness is revenge.
The opposite of LOVE is fear (that I'm not loved.)
When I fear I'm not loved-I feel and give out hate, anger,
jealousy, depression, guilt, irritation, division, war.
When I feel loved-I share joy, happiness, contentment, peace,
serenity, harmony, kindness, unity.
When I LOVE unconditionaly, I can give LOVE for hate.
I can give LOVE for anger, I can give LOVE for intolerance.
I can give LOVE for inhumanities.
And when I say I love you--it's because you're you
rather than because you're who I think you should be.

(Reprinted with permission from the booklet IF I WANT A WORLD OF LOVE Copyright 1985 Sylvia M. Foy.)



By; Mike Highsmith


I sit and stare into the distance, my mind relaxed,
my eyes half closed
I drift to sleep with no resistance,
into a dream which destiny chose
I found myself in a land where
love and peace abound,
a place where people understand,
and beauty all around
Ultimate utopia, no mind can comprehend,
Eternal cornucopia,
pleasure never seemed to end
I heard a sound and turned to see
who might be speaking to me
It was a man, quite short in height,
appeared to be staring through me.
His eyes were weird, set far apart,
his skin a tint of gray,
Tiny ears, no mouth to speak of,
his touch refreshed me
in a hypnotic way.
He did not speak to communicate,
his thoughts just filled my head
Told me I was to meet my fate
and on a journey I would be led
He took me from that place of peace
on a voyage of the wise
to a city made of crystal,
a place I did not recognize
where beings scurried here and there,
all busy with their mind games,
Contempt and greed were in the air
and life was viewed as time frames.
Technology had overcome,
there was no need for friendship,
Scociety had progressed so far,
I thought it such a strange trip
I asked the man, not of my kind,
to explain what all this meant,
He said be patient and I would find
that our time would be well spent.
We left the crystal city where
there was no room for individuality,
and life is a state of gloom
We wound up in a place of Light,
serenity flowed through me.
I cried the tears of one who's sight
had just been restored to me.
I felt in the Presence
of The Lord Himself,
I could no longer keep my feet,
I knelt and displayed my humble soul
to the One we all are to meet.
A sudden compassion filled my heart.
I finally felt at peace.
I always thought that to feel this way
your mortal life must cease.
I begged forgiveness for all I've done
that might have caused despair
to myself or anyone,
and asked for justice to be fair.
I was answered with a question,
one that still burns in my mind.
What have you done in your life
to benefit mankind?
This took a while to answer,
for words were hard to find,
I really never had been asked
a question of this kind
My life was spread before me,
as if pages in a book
To answer what I'd just been asked
would take a lengthly look
back into my past,
my attitude of love, wishing peace
for all humanity,
always thanking God above,
Forever hoping that the world would
someday understand how to live
in peace and brotherhood
and share a common land.
Everything I stood for,
as unrealistic as it seems
could be achieved if everyone
would try to catch
their dreams.
And at the end of the review of life
I had to live,
I understood the meaning of the love
I had to give,
And at this point the calm bright light
began to draw me to it,
I felt the pure love that came from within
and knew I must pursue.
When I looked up I noticed that
looming there before me,
there were two paths with which to travel
one calm, the other stormy.
Well, I'm no fool, I'll have you know
and down the calm path I did go
On my way I came across two poor souls
who seemed to be lost,
they told me their paths had long since crossed
and had since been travelling together.
It seems they had been wandering around
alone, until each other they had found,
and on a quest for home they are bound
to shield them from the weather
I wished them good luck and bade them farewell
and continued on my way,
I had to know where this path led
where I was I could not say,
and all at once, before I knew,
I tried to fathom what I was,
I stood before the Gates of Life,
captivated in my awe.
The gates swung open, I looked inside,
and what I saw surprised me.
There stood long lost relatives
and friends who recognized me.
The love I felt, beyond description burst forth,
in radiant bliss. At that point I had awoken
by the touch of a tender kiss
It took a moment to sink in, and understandably,
Was it a dream I'd just been in,
or a glimpse of what is to be?




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