By; Rev. Harold Wilson

My name is Billy
I am three
my eyes are swollen
I can not see
My legs are numb
my heart is weak
I'm only a child
still small and meek
At Christmas time
instead of being glad
tears do fall
my family is sad
No gifts, no packages
not even a tree
they sit and pray
for me to see
Kisses, hugs, and loving too
bring many hopes
that are bright and new
While the kin
is fast asleep,
from downstairs
there comes a peep
Once, twice,
over again
I heard downstairs
a little man
He came upstairs
sat on my bed
kissed my cheek
and softly said
Dear Billy you're special
so dear to my heart
with your soul
I will never part
Tomorrow will be new
all will be kind
all will be clear
within your mind
Now Billy, dear boy
soar like a kite
have pleasant dreams
and to you goodnight
Christmas has come
the sun shines bright
who was that man
with me last night
Billy sat up
and with a yell
opened his eyes
and said I'm well, I'm well
My name is Billy
I am three
my eyes are better
I can see
My legs are strong
no more I weep
who was that man
in my sleep
Mommy, Daddy
do come here
they heard the noise
and came in fear.
They stopped in amazement
also in glee
his mother cried
my little Billy can see
They hugged him, kissed him
held him near
then set him down
and said in his ear
Billy, Billy you can see
how did this happen
whatever did be?
From this day on
Billy led a full life
but still who was
the man in the night?
Someday, somewhere
you will see
the miracle worker
sent to me

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