By; Julia Vaught (Gonzalez)

In early Christian mysticism the door, "The Door Iesus-Jesus, The Brahmarandra" the Iesus
I"" E ""S""U""S""I (God) Earth, Son of universal sun, "Mother Soul" had the currents of the Kundalini, with the channels or Nadis they pursue (1) Sushumna, this is the Door Of Jesus, or Brahma, (2) Fingala, which corresponds with its counterpart in its master sympathetic of itself on the right. (3) the Ida which corresponds with the left sympathetic. The vital life force specializing in The Christ Light, soul medium for the chakras and the gland centers "become the 7 tattvas (Lords), the center 7 of the "777" in the Apocalypse. These are called "The SEVEN PHEUMATA BREATHS, in Revelations The Seven Angels" as they are variations or differentiations in "The Great Breath" "The World Mother symbolized by the Moon" concurrent with the seven lumor forces, are five solar forces, pertaining to the cerebrospinal system called The Five Kranas, Vital Airs or Winds termed in The Apocalypse (Anemoi), These twelve forces, "The Seven Breaths and Five Winds" correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac, a belt of the celestial sphere- about 17degrees in breath containing the twelve constellations which the sun traverses during the year in passing around the exliptic. Within this zone is confined the motions of the moon and the major planets. The Ancients divided the twelve portions and called them signs, which were designated by the names of the constellations which the sun traverses during the year in passing around the exliptic, within this zone is confined the motions of the moon and major planets. The Ancients divided the twelve portions and called these signs, which were designated by the names of the constellations, then adjacent to them in the following order;

Aires The Ram

Taurus The Bull

Gemini The Twins

Cancer The Crab

Leo The Lion

Virgo The Virgin

Libra The Balance

Capricorn The Goat

Aquarius TheWater Bearer

Pices The Fishes

Scorpio The Scorpion

Saggitarius The Archer

This had great astronomical utillity, but also symbolized the relationship of the micro world embodied in man, and the macro body that God, The Source Of Life Eternal we use in the micro body. Each of the twelve signs being made to correspond to one of the twelve greater gods of The Ancient Pantheon and assigned as a house of one of the sacred planets, each sign to govern a part of the human body.
So that I may elucidate the recondite meaning of The Apocalypse to convey a clear and simple conception of its practicle, and, psychological use in the telestic, and perfective use of "The Serpent Fire (Speirema). This work has to be preceeded by the most rigid purifactory discipline, celibacy, and abstemiousness; which is possible only to one who has reached a high state of mental and physical purity; or the soul advanced to the state of crucifying the things of Earth; in his body; to let the Sushumna open for The Light Of God to enter in, and fill his house with Fire Light from its highest, primal source.
No man who is filled with crude and evil thoughts, or contradicted by ignorance and bigotry (a worse ignorance): in them "the paraclete does not enter in: the unpurified person who rashly attempts to invade" this holy temple of this finer God, can arouse only the lowest forces that are cruelly destructive, and never regenerative. We see an abundance of this today, and its destructiveness due to ignorance and greed.
Before entering into this systematic course of introspection to awaken "The Christ, The Paraklete, the Devachan within we must have gained almost complete mastery over our own thoughts, excluding from our thoughts, or mental field all irrelevent notions, and gain the ability to "Gather the harvest of life," or The Power of arousing the Speireme, or Paraclete (Christ Light) and to be able thereafter at will into the state of Mantela "The Sacred Trance Of Seership."
Kundalin or Paraclete Christ Light) we master the Life Centers: "Seals Of Revelations" that gives us the key to eternity, and its many here before hidden mysteries of spiritual realitites (this is the phenumatic science that constitutes the Gnosis), and the requirement of certain mystic powers, and it culminates in emancipation from physical existence from "The Birth From Above" of The Father in The Son, when the solar deathless body has been fully formed man then knows God "as himself in aspect". This teletic work requires the unremitting effort of many years, not in one life only, but is carried on through a series of incarnations until the final result has been achieved almost from the first the expirant becomes disengaged from the phrenic mind and centered in the noetic mind from incarnation to incarnation. These Araiels, (angels who preside over waters) carries The Eternal Light and they are made aware of their disconnective self from the world, their light is embodied in; we know that we are the Light BEINGS!!
As a lamp in the window of Earth. Most clearly we know this Earth is not our home in the unbroken memory, and certainty of our knowledge. We are iimmortal even before our final liberation from the cycle of incarnation. We stand tethered in a constellation of our own making "our celestial wedding chapel.""the Light and of The Light Of God."
In arousing the Kundalini, the Sushuka the all important force is ignored, concentration on the two side currents must preceed it to form a positive, and golden embryo mandella for life eternal. The womb of Earth within Ieachova "The Sister Bride androgynous one light for the land of the soul, that lives in the waters of time, in the illusionary frame of necessity of the whole picture "framed in time is this mandella of "The Sun Centered Life" by which man's body negotiates the love, and life of God in Form, for its formless Master, Christ as its image on Earth in The Iesus (CH) Isis using Of Hova (Jova) of Genesis in the Window of Our Father's House."
The blockage to our enlightenment is our inability to rest our house upon a rock, or rest our ship in still waters; for the attentiveness to the immediate "now" is essential for reality to react its course in you, to live in the axis of our wheel, witness its power, its grinding of our grain at harvest time into pure gold. We must be come the mill for the floss iluminating the universe, and refuse to be a captive to any part of it. We are the atomic measure of time and space. We are eternal. We are only The Light Of God held in ilusion to serve the cause f the effect in a form, as all other forms. We have our own species vibratory rate, to fit our piece into the whole as the micro whole using the whole macro. We are unique for we are the organization of states being of both men and God. We are three- three phases of the same thing. "I Am That I Am."
Fiat Lux. So mote it be. Cro maat. Namaskara. So be it.

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