Our interview with Herb Dewey from last issue continues.

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11. Do you believe each person has a Spirit Guide or Guides that try to help them through life's rough spots and help them through a successful life?

A. I think, and this is where my belief will probably differ from yours, as you must realize I'm rather new at this Spiritualist stuff, or The Spiritist beliefs, and the indoctrinations into this, and how they believe things to be. I think that we all have many, many Spirit Guides, but where my philosophy differes from probably yours, I believe that all of these Guides have BEEN US in previous existences. So the person that says that they have two or three different Spirit Guides in their life who come to them, visit them, I feel that those Guides as they are, WERE that person in a previous existence, and I think that those Guides enter into a peprson's subconscious so that oftentimes when you are being contacted by a Guide you may not hear a voice, you may not hear a sound, rather you may just simply FEEL inspired to say something, and do something .
Because I think that all Guides come to you not so much through the brain, but rather through the subconscious mind, or, the unconscious mind. And you will manifest what they want you to do, either good or bad, and you may not in fact, be aware that you are doing this. And I believe they help us to a successful life.

12. What is your opinion of a successful life? What do you believe one should accomplish?

A. I think that a person should be able to set their individual goals for themself, and accomplish those goals, they should be able to set a path, what direction for themself, or to be able to try and find their dream. And I think that a successful life is to know that each and every day of your life you've given more than taken, that you've done more for society or your culture, or, for your family, or your friends. That you've given more energy out than you've taken back. And I think that you should feel you've accomplished something if you've done this.
I am not a terribly materialistic individual, so I can't really say that success is based on education, or success is based on money. I think that you have to look at yourself in the mirror each and every day, and if you like what you see you've probably been doing something right!

13. What is your opinon on dreams?

A. I sense there again, we usually dream of what we fear most. We very rarely will dream of our mother-in-law kicking the bucket! We will dream of a loved one having a terrible accident, or of us being attacked, or raped. So usually in our dreams our subconscious mind is invaded by conscious mind fears. And I would feel that dreams for the most part, give us symbols.
Dreams usually should be viewed as guideposts along the way. we are supposed to take the advice of dreams. It may not be a clear, concise message in our dreams, of course if you read Sigmund freud everything is of a sexual nature, or of male/female relationships, and I don't totally agree with that. I do believe that our subconscious is sometimes like a sponge, and that we absorb feelings in our conscious day to day life- but we absorb them almost like a sixth sense.
We absorb feelings and things. And for the most part they can be helpful. But I do feel that people should keep a journal or a log on dreams.

14, Do you think they are of any help to the individual in understanding themselves, or predicting future events?

A. Certainly there are such things as precognitive dreams, certainly that we can have a dream and it has some bearing, it gives us some direction. We all dream. but I think that a dream should be viewed as a signpost...a warning...a pointing a direction simply indicating things that are going to have to be dealt with in our life. And again, always knowing that our dreams are somehow composed of what we normally dream picked up from our subconscious antenna. But also it is what we fear, what we fear most. Usually in a dream where a loved one is dying, or a loved one is being involved in a tragic accident, also in the dream there will be other symbols that basically you are to interpret to show you how to prevent, wih the bad things. So in a dream there is a good part and a bad part.
Regardless of the most horrendous nightmare you will ever dream of in your life, there will be a good part of the dream. The dream comes across as a lesson, the lesson in the sense you will see something bad, but you will also be given the key on how to prevent this, so that you will be given the problem and you will be given the solution in the same dream.
Precognitive dreams do work. Unfortunately, you can't depend on them as far as predicting future events through your dreams. I'm sure that your readers are familiar with Nostradamus, and Nostradamus is supposedly the best psychic or the best fortuneteller, or the best predictor or prophesier of dreams. but he made so many statements in his quatrains that he wrote for so many things, and they can be interpreted so many ways. I always feel that Nostradamus was playing with a stacked deck. He couldn't be wrong. He predicted so many things and he would call cities, towns and states by women's names, and he would call ships by women's names. When he said 'SHE shall do this or that' and all of the students interpret that sentence, they can come up with anything they want to come up with. So they're dealing with a stacked deck.
So I think that he was a good entertainer, and that he was very intelligent, certainly, and I think that through selective gleaning you can come up with rather outstanding predictions. But for the most part, there is no way he could conceivably be wrong, as he predicted so many things with hundreds upon hundreds of quartrains.

(Cont'd Next Issue)

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