By; Victor Brotte

Much has been written about the human Spirit/Soul and of that what happens to it after our bodies return to Mother Earth as part of the food chain. Many Westerners would tell you that the Soul has a one shot chance to learn this life's lessons, then its off to either Heaven or Hell, depending on what religious beliefs and whether you've been naughty or nice.
Some eastern religions teach a forward/backwards reincarnation. Good in this life, move on up the evolutionary ladder to the highest lifeform. Blow this shot and end up being a Jackass on some Kansas farm.

Some Ideas To Kick Around

Everything is forever. Everything is forever changing. Take some time to think about it. Nothing can be destroyed. Nothing is unchanging. Do you destroy a log when you toss it into your fireplace? No you CHANGE the log. Now instead of wood you have smoke rising up the chimney, heat warming your hands, and a pile of ashes. The log was changed, but not destroyed. This principle holds true to all things.

Life is a school. Not a test.

Some believe that life is a test. That a new Spirit is placed into a human body to take a life long test. Get an A, go to Heaven. Flunk out and go straight to Hell. Sorry, no make up exams. These people see passing on as report card day. Life is not a test, but rather a school. Lets pretend that life is the sixth grade, and Johnny flunks out. Do we send Johnny back to the 2nd grade? Do we throw him out of school? Of course not. What if Johnny retakes the class? That sounds reasonable to me.
Next to Johnny sits Suzy. Suzy has leanred all of her lessons and gets an A+. Next year does Suzy become the teacher? Suzy passed this class with flying colors with no problems, so Suzy doesn't need any more schooling. Right? Wait a minute. I have an off the wall idea. How about Suzy going on to the 7th grade after Summer break (Summerland). We might even consider tossing out the idea of Suzy skipping a grade. But lets leave that up to Suzy. We can give her the Summer to think it over.
I watch many around me waiting on report card day. (Judgment Day,) while I just keep on plugging away at the old lesson plan, working towards my graduation from this life to the next. My Spirit will not die, but rather advance unto the next grade level.
All things die, but death is never an end. As one season fades away, another is beginning.

Life's Task

You have a purpose for being here. You have lessons to learn and tasks to fulfill. You are teacher/student. Learn, teach, grow, live, and I'll see you in the 7th grade next season.

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