By: Speaker Gerald A. Polley

THE ANCIENT ONE was not as weary as he had been other evenings. Things were going far better than they had been. He had lost his young travelling companion, however, as she had gone off on her own, devoting all her energies in solving the problems of her physical form, and The Ancient One rather missed her.
It was a quiet enough night. He had just solved a problem for his alien friends, who had unknowingly brought a little stowaway to Earth. And there had been a frantic search to recover it before it was injured or accidently did some harm. But it had been safely recovered, and all was well.
Finding nothing of interest to the north, he turned southward. He was about to head north again, when a sudden chorus of cries from below caught his ear. Folding back his wings he dove Earthward, and several dozen Spirits of varying ages rose to greet him. He patiently listened to their tales of horror, and then descended to the city below.
It was a simple enough matter, the Spirits, themselves, had the answer. The gang that had murdered them in their sadistic ceremonies was already suspected by the local authorities. It as a simple matter of giving one police officer the final push to make an arrest of one of the group's weakest members who, under pressure, would expose everything.
The Ancient One looked in the policeman's office and came up behind him as he did some paperwork. The Ancient One was about to put the proper thought in his mind, when suddenly he was literally knocked out of the material world, into the shadowy realm between it, and the Spiritual World: what his people referred to as The Veil Of Tears. Stunned, he went to regain his feet when something hit him again, sending him flying. This time, however, he regained his balance before the attacker could strike again.
The Ancient One was not surprised at what he finally saw. It was not the first time he had been attacked by someone, but it did surprise him that this one was not of native origins, but alien, like himself. It stood about his own height, and resembled a chicken croquette with twelve legs at its bottom, and four tentacle-like arms coming out of its middle. Four eyes were on each side of its top and between these, antennas that must've served the same function as ears.
The two beings simply circled each other for some time, each measuring the other. As The Ancient One drew Light, and became stronger, and brighter, his adversary drew Darkness to protect itself from his brilliance.
"Go away!" the hideous thing finally cried. "Go away, Lord Of Light These are mine. They belong to me. It's none of your business. I feed well, here. I become strong; stronger than you, foolish goody-goody. You are nothing! Look at how pitiful you are! You have power, you have strength. You could control, dominate, rule, but you are coward...afraid. All must come to you of their own will. Lord Of Light can't dominate, can't rule, can only guide and teach. Stupid! They laugh at you. They make fun of you. They use you. None laugh at me! None insult me! I destroy any who will not obey.
Poor little Lord Of Light! Can only do what his Masters wish. Poor, pitiful little thing! These creatures do not want what YOU have to offer. They want not peace, harmony, joy, tolerance. They want what I have to give them. They want to be strong, to take, to rule, to fulfill all their desires, no matter what they are, and not worry about others.
Stupid thing! You cannot win. In the end, my kind will succeed. You will never starve us out, drive us away. For we are stronger. Join me. Don't be a fool any more. You can rip out their minds, make them your slaves. Have them do whatever you want! Don't be weak! Join me!"
"You are not strong!" The Ancient One answered. "Your strength is only the delusions of your ignorance. Look at you...scarred, covered with sores, smelling your own filth and the death you must cling to in order to survive! You are nothing!"
He charged forward, attacking with all his skill; hands, feet, wing tips, knees....every part of him found a mark. But his adversary did not yield either. And for what seemed hours they beat each-other furiously. But in the end it was The Lord Of Light that stood, battered and bruised but victorious, his adversary fleeing to the true night of the Material World, lay quivering at his feet. The Ancient One knew it would take it months, perhaps years, to regain enough strength where it could control minds again. But the battle had drained him, taken virtually all the strength he had.
"Accept death," said The Ancient One. "I can make a pathway for you to The Spirit World. Bear your pain. Free yourself from this shadow existence."
"NO!" the demon cried. "You will not make me surrender in The Eternal Night! You cannot force me through the barrier. And you do not love me, so you cannot take me, yourself. I can only go of my own free will, and I will not! In the end I win., Lord Of Light, and what has this battle cost you? How much have you been drained? How much have I delayed your precious Mission? You can NEVER win! They WANT the lies. You give them truth and that they will never hear. In losing I win. In draining you, I succeed!"
"But you lose your little nest!" The Ancient One snapped. "You will be fed no more!"
He glanced away to the police officer sitting at his desk and put a thought in his mind. The police officer picked up a folder and opened it, tapped it twice, and picked up the phone. The Ancient One looked back to that which lay on the ground.
"Damn you!" it cried, "Damn you!"
The Ancient One flew home. To his frustration as he monitored the news, the gang the demon had controlled was captured, and the horror they had been committing was exposed, but, their leaders escaped! And in his weakened condition The Ancient One couldn't track them down. His spirits were lifted however, when he foiled a drug lord's escape attempt on a rare day flight, by sticking a tree limb in the tail rotor of his helicoptor. The aliens returned to annoy him because they needed a treaty negotiated, and he was the only one the two parties would listen to. The Ancient One resolved the problem, but his frustration at his failure to find and deal with the two fugitives left him considerably irritated, and the deomn's words weighed heavy on his thoughts...heavy, indeed.


The preceeding story is fiction. Any resemblence it bears to true persons or places is coincidental, and not the intent of the writer.

By; Speaker Gerald A. Polley

I am usually against boycotts because they usually hurt innocent people's rights along with those you wish to punish. But Exxon has been so irresponsible in the recent oil spill they caused, that I really feel the public must take action against them to let other companies know that this type of laxity is not going to be accepted
We ask all persons if they have Exxon credit cards to cut them up and return them to the company. If not, simply write a letter letting them know you will not be using any Exxon products until 1. The company makes full financial restitution for the clean up costs of the disaster they've caused. 2. Pays local inhabitants for any loss of income due to their negligence.
Only when these conditions are met should we again do business with Exxon.

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