Greetings President Bush!

It is with deepest regret I must write to you, for I had hoped with the passage of time, my writing would not be necessary. but, as usual, The United States has been doing alot of talking about the situation in China, and taking very little concrete action. And millions of voices are crying out to me that we must act now, that we must, in some way, come to their aid in a means that will bring true pressure on their leaders to regret the inhumane and cowardly actions they have taken.
Mr. President, this country must immediately forsake all economic ties with China. I ask you now, in this letter, on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves, to propose legislation to the house and senate, that,

1. All diplomatic relations with China be reduced to the lowest possible level.

2. That all travel to China be banned.

3. That all trade with China be immediately terminated, and all existing Chinese goods in The United States be confiscated, until the current emergency is passed, until those responsible for the massacre resign their office, and a true account be made to the Chinese people.

4. That all investments in China be declared unlawful, and be punishable by fine and imprisonment.

I understand, Mr. President, that your brother has dealings with China. In all sincerity I ask him, through you, to voluntarily denounce those investments, and to encourage every American and every American ally, to follow suit in this endeavor.
We must make the Chinese leaders understand by stopping the flow of dollars into their country, that the United States of America will not tolerate barbaric cruelty and the murder of children in the street, even if it hurts them economically, that we are willing to sacrifice for what we believe is right.
I am sending copies of this letter, Mr. President, to my representatives in the house and senate, in the sincere hope that they will join in this effort, and that for once, the American government can rise to a situation in the way it should, united in their ideals and beliefs.
I am also sending it to as many newspapers as I can afford in the hope that they will share it with the majority of the American people, and that the people will stand behind you in this effort.
Let us not forget those that fell in China. Let us not forget them for a better profit margin, but let us stand with them for what is right, and make whatever sacrifice is necessary to bring down those who would hold power by whatever means they could. I thank you Mr. President, for your ttime and consideration.

Yours Most Sincerely For Those
Who Cannot Speak Themselves,

Rev. Speaker Gerald A. Polley

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