Here is the conclusion of our interview with Herb Dewey, continued from last issue.

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15. How do you do your readings? Can you explain to us how your Spirit Workers function?

A. I've been doing readings over the years, and I've done telephone readings, Tarot Card readings, crystal ball gazing, Egyptian sand and flower readings, and I suppose that I've read bumps on your head, and if need be I could read people's navals! Point of fact being that you don't necessarily need anything to read. When I am doing a reading, and a person sits in front of me, I feel that I am not taken over by a guide, but rather guided by a guide. So with one woman I may speak to as I was her husband, that person's father, grandfather, son, or lover, therapist, friend, or companion. So that if I do readings for a room full of people with my eyes closed, and I am channeling information to them, or giving information to them from a conscious level, all the readings are different because the role that I play is different. When I begin a reading I can say 'When the student is ready, the Teacher shall appear. When I end a reading, I say, 'If you believe in what I do, no explaination is necessary. If you do NOT no explaination is possible.' So that my workers, whatever worker comes through, whatever worker guides me, has a superior knowledge than mine on what this person sitting across from me must hear. I am supposed to be the mentor, to give them guidance.

16. Do you believe in creatures of Darkness, such as Demons, Devils, etc.?

A. I believe creatures of darkness and demons and devils are in this lifetime. I think that with all the famine in the world, the death and the children being molested, and the rapes, the molestations, the wife beating, the batterings and the drugs, divorces, along with the deaths from cancer and aids, this is Hell, this is Hell on Earth. I don't think it can get any wors than this. I believe that we experience our Hell and our Heaven on this Earth time.

17. To you what is the most important rule in life?

A. I'm going to steal a line from Shakespeare. I think the most important rule in life is 'To thine own self be true,' to see yourself as a good person, a beautiful person, to see yourself as a decent individual, a non-manipulative see yourself as these things. Now, I think that then you set a rule to follow, then others will copy how you are. So that my feeling is that's the most important rule in life, to be true to yourself, because if you're not, no one else will ever be true to you.

18. If you could give to a person one thing, one ability that you believe would give them a successful and happy life, what would you give them?

A. I would give them self love. I have done readings for Playboy Bunnies, and cover girls, magazine pin-up girls and novice actresses and politicians, and I really feel that many of these people lack a self love, they are their own worst enemy. And I think that if I could instill upon a person young or old, it would be a self love, because a self love gives a person integrity, it brings that person to the full. I believe that many people simply play roles in life. They act as they are expected to act, they accomplish things in life because they are expected to accomplish things. Goals are set for them and they accomplish the goals, but for the most part the individuals involved do not set the goals, but rather are doing things for the happiness of those around them. The major decisions in their life basically are made for other people rather than themselves. So that I think to have a happy and successful life, you have to like yourself, to have to love yourself, you have to see yourself as the beautiful person both inside and outside. And of course that is your self-esteem, that's your ego and your id, your identity or the way that you are. Because once you are stable in the way that you perceive yourself, then you will be basically a happy individual.

19. If you could take away from a person some trait that you believe would enhance their character, what trait or tendency would you take away?

A. I think vanity, I think people get upset with women that stand in front of mirrors hourse upon hours laying on three inches of make up. I feel that that is a deception, I feel that that is an illusion. I believe that people are too vain, and I suppose I may suffer from some of that myself, by the way. But I feel that if I could remove one thing it would be vanity. I think if I could remove some trait to enhance a person's charachter it would be vanity.

20. To conclude with, let us ask you what is the one thing that you feel a person cannot live without?

A. I think obviously on the other side of the coin, is that a person cannot live without love. I think that a person can SURVIVE without love, I don't think a person can THRIVE without love. Out of the thousand upon thousands of readings that I have done through the mail, on radio, on t.v., most common of the questions will be "Will I find my soul mate?" "Will I find my lover?" "Will I find my twin flame?" "Did he really love me?" "Did she really love me?" "Will my lover come back to me?" "Do my children love me?" "Why didn't my parents love me?" "Will I ever find true love?"
Love, love love is all that is ever asked. A person can live without many things. Obviously, a person cannot live without food, or without water, and I think that it's probably a question of determning the word "LIVE". What can a person not live without? Certainly a person will not be able to totally thrive, but love is so very, very important.
I have clients of mine that have been married for long periods of time where the male is impotant, where the male is not able to function sexually, and the wife absolutely adores him. I have clients of mine where the woman absolutely adores him. I have clients of mine where the woman has undergone a double mastectomy. The male completely idolizes this woman. That is true love, that, in fact, IS true love. So that we can go through life with a little money or a lot of money, we can go through life with bad health, or good health, we can survive through many, many things. But in fact I think there is a difference, and I think to live is to be broken into two definitive ways. To live is either to survive or to thrive. And I think that one can survive without love, but most certainly one cannot thrive without love.


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