This is an interview with the Spirit Of Madame Marie Curie, the famous chemist, who, in 1911 with her husband Pierre won the Nobel Prize for the isolation of metallic radium and was famous for several other important scientific discoveries. Her words are channeled through Speaker Gerald Polley. Speaker Linda J. Polley provided the questions.

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1. What is your opinion of science and scientists today?

A. I think it borders on almost the miraculous! There seems to be virtually nothing that cannot be done now. If someone can think of it, sooner or later someone can find the means of making it a reality. The only complaint I have with science today is that it has become too commercial. Hardly no one investigates anything anymore for the sheer joy of investigating. It has to have a financial feasibility. I think this is very sad.

2. What do you believe is the most important scientific discovery since your death?

A. Oh, what a question! There has been so many wonderous things! To pick one and say this is the most important is extremey difficult. Perhaps your advancements in computers would be high on my list for that has made so many other discoveries possible. But the things you have done in medicine are also important, so this is another field that must be mentioned. No, this is an impossible question to truly answer!

3. If you were in physical form, what would you be working on?

A. I think I would be trying to find some way to put atomic waste to practical use. Perhaps this would be the best way of solving this tremendous problem. I have had some thoughts of a low radiation means of generating electricity, a sort of solar cell that would turn the low level radiation given off by the waste directly into electricity, so the storage places would be economically beneficial. Yes, that is what I would decide to work on!

4. Is there any information you can give us to help scientists?

A. Unfortunately your law does not permit this. There are several things we have become aware of here that I would like to give, but I think you are right. Mankind has learned too much too soon, already.

5. What are your comments on nuclear power?

A. There is an old expression 'If you cannot say anything good, do not say anything at all.' I think I will leave the subject of nuclear power alone.

6. Do you believe there will be a cure for Aids soon?

A. I, myself, believe that the cure for sexually transmitted diseases is very obvious, and it is the shame of those that have them that they continue to spread. Of course in time there will be a vaccine. Millions of unnecessary dollars will be spent to find it when the obvious cure is ignored.

7. What is your opinion of America?

A. A mix of great love and great contempt. The promise of the world has slid back. Murderers roam your streets preaching hate and beating the innocent because their skin happens to be a different color, or they worship God in a different way. And this is permitted in the name of free speech. I love you all. I simply do not understand.

8. Why did you and your husband stop attending seances?

A. The fakery discouraged us. Though we continued to believe that the phenomena existed we wished there had been ones like you in our time. We understand now, that even many sincere and honest mediums resorted to some fakery because their abilities ebbed and flowed and they had to constantly perform to make a living. this is a shame but in a way understandable. Your way is not so spectacular, but it makes slow and steady progress. but I am perhaps embarrassing you, and will say no more.

9. Do you attribute any of your discoveries to Spiritual intervention?

A. I would say not, though the spiritual philosophy freed us from alot of hypocrisy, and helped us think freer. I do not think I drew on any outside knowledge. If I had I don't think I would have made so many mistakes.

10. What do you do now in the Spirit World?

A. I lecture and direct the French Academy of Science, whose purpose is to assist Spiritual Guides of scientists in France in directing their work towards goals that will benefit mankind and not threaten existence itself, and the world we love and are dependent on.

11. Will you be able to answer more questions later?

A. Yes, I would love to! But I think I would prefer they come from your readers. I have answered enough for now. I will be looking forward to future questions. But I wish to leave space for other works you must do. So for now I will bid you farewell.

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The interview in our November '89 issue will be with Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher. Any questions you have for him should be submitted to us by October 1st to be considered for publication in our November issue.

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