NOVEMBER 16, 1989

November 16th, in the battle against The Darkness we have, this day, lost eight of our soldiers. Murdered by a rightist gang in El Salvador were Fathers

Ignacio Ellacuria
Ignacio Martin-Baro
Segundo Montes
Amando Lopez
Juan Ramon Moreno
Joaquin Lopez Lopez

priests of the Jesuit Order,
and, their housekeeper,
Julia Elba Ramos
and her daughter, Celina.

What were these people's crimes that their attackers so fear them that they ripped open their skulls and hauled out their brains? Their crime was that they dared speak for reform, that the poor had rights as well as as the rich, and every person had the right to a decent place to sleep, enough to eat, and to fully express their opinion. But the military leaders of El Salvador feared these ideas so much that in the middle of the night they sent their soldiers dressed in civilian clothes to murder those who would speak such treason.
How long will decent Americans allow our weak and inept government to support such people, to fund their armies, and bribe their politicians? We ask every citizen, we BEG of them, do not let these honored dead die for naught? Write your congressman, write your senator and say "No more! No more!" Only then will they know, only then will they care. And we MUST care. We must BEGIN to care. For as long as we support governments like this, the blood is on our hands just as much as it is on theirs.


We are extremely disappointed in President Bush's veto of legislation indefinitely extending the visas of Chinese students in The United States. Bush has again demonstrated his vulnerability to foreign pressure, and his unthinking heartlessness. It would have been much better if he had vetoed the congressional pay raise. But that would have made too much sense, and common sense seems to be something Bush lacks, to the shame of our nation.

THIS PUBLICATION IS A MEMBER OF THE WICCAN/ PAGAN PRESS ALLIANCE, P.O. BOX 1392, MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055, Which was formed to create a network designed for all presses, journals, and newsletters. Write for details!

By; John KURLUK, Ye Olde Tarot Soothsayer

MID-NIGHT! The most magickal time of all to conduct witchcraft ceremonies for whatever purpose. This be in erecting the Temple, casting the Circle of Protection, for the practice of the Olde Religion beliefs and setting about the blessings and spell-castngs.
Of this specific time, Midnight is assumed to be that of exactly 12 A.M., when according to man's calculation of time, one day ends and the next begins. Of most Witchcraft (Wiccan) publications, this is also the accepted time to practice the beliefs of the Olde Religion. However, this is actually INCORRECT!
The stroke of the clock when the hands indicate 12 A.M. is a device created by man and not in conjunction with the Earth's planetary setting of what we refer to as Midnight. Therefore, those who practice Witchcraft, making use ot this man-made method of time, are in fact not conducting their ceremonial setting in proper tradition. That is, if they base their ceremony on the time element of Mid-Night. Whereby they should remember that clocks were unheard of until only recently (invented and used for the past few hundred years).
Your question then may be, just when is Midnight, if not at the stroke of 12 A.M.? Midnight, according to Earth's true planetary setting, is in fact the very Middle-Of-The-Night. A time divided equally in half from that of Sun Set to Sun Rise of any given day. A time, when calculated by you, will place you exactly at a point on Earth facing directly away from the sun. Which in fact is the Earth's darkest setting at a specific time. Per example, should Sun Set be at 7:30 P.M. and Sun Rise be at 6:30 A.M., the amount of hours/minutes for night would calculate to be that of 11 hours. Divide this time in half, which gives you 5 hours 30 minutes. Now calculate this amount of time to be added to Sun Set, and the time you have is: 1 A.M .. The exact time when your position on the Earth is facing directly away from the sun. The time being known as Mid-Night, or from days of Olde, the exact Middle-Of-The-Night ..
This be the time of the greatest magickal setting for one to practice Olde Religion beliefs. A time when the stars and Moon are casting their light at their greatest projected illumination, being undisturbed by the influences of the sun's rays. A time used by the Ancient Old Ones, who had no manmade clock to regulate their time 'conveniently! Their clock, to determine Mid-Night, was the planetary setting of Earth per the Sun Set and Sun Rise of any given day.


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Our free referral service is still available, and we will continue to distribute our 1989 issue. We regret this, but time and finances make the decision necessary.

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