By; Dawn Joy Lindsay
Spiritual Counselor and Tarot Reader

No one will ever be happy with anyone or anything in their life for too long, if they are not happy with themselves inside. You cannot blame your problems on everyone or everything else, instead you have to look within yourself. There is no such thing as luck or circumstance, as you have free will and can change what needs to be changed, but you have to have faith and hope and a positive attitude. Like attracts like, positive to positive, negative to negative. If you are negative you will block all help and guidance out. Only you can seek help and change your life but you have to want to do it for you. Sometimes it is so much easier we think, to stay in the same pattern with the easy way or the familar when right outside of that could be something so much better, if we would only let go of fear, anger, hurt, resentment, revenge, as they are only keeping us tied to the very thing we want to escape from. If we do not forgive another, it is keeping us tied to that person forever, and we are only hurting ourselves, instead of setting ourselves free. No one person on this earth is better than another, some just have more knowledge and are on different learning levels. We can't look to others to make us happy, or that one day when we reach our goal or when we are in a different location, because happiness comes from within and until we are at peace with ourselves, no matter what you achieve something will always be missing or wrong. To find happiness you must look within yourself and change what you can and accept what you cannot change, and your whole life will turn around, and you will find yourself looking at your life in a whole new perspective, and you will be happy.

ZERO POPULATION GROWTH, 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 320, Washington, D.C. 20036, a simple idea that is catching on in much of the world but is violently opposed in America by those of the Fundamentalist Christian Faiths. One person, one child. We replace ourselves, but no more. It is not an absolute solution to the world's problems, but if the majority of the world's people would accept this simple idea at least the increasing strain on the world's resources would level out, and we could begin to roll back population, until such times as scientific progress makes it possible for us to make our homes in other places, and keep Earth's population at a constant level, to which its renewable resources can sustain.
We are rapidly approaching the saturation point, where it will soon be impossible to support those living without destroying the world in the process. We support Zero Population Growth, and we hope those of a reasonable mind will do so with us, before it is too late.


By; Fletcher DeWolf

Tall blades surrounding the black bird
winnowing past its wings
it hears the travelers tune
of esoteric things
Learning all the lore
of what the song had chimed
it flew deeper in the cote
of tales that clearly rhymed.
To each one it listened long
and never gave away
the morals or the meaning
to anyone who'd say,
"I've learned this from the black bird
through each legend it has flown
and all their deepest meanings
to me they're plainly shown."

* * *

By; Miss Linda Ann Andreula

Quiet time gives all peace of mind
that the New Age meditation techniques
help us to find
We all need to experience and face
our own individual space
People annoy us at work all day
we need to rest after all
we're hard at work not play
We need to reflect on
what happened that day
they want five of you
on one person's pay!
You just have to laugh it away
because you have to go back the next day
We need more time in our hectic day
and more quiet time for
tip top quality individuals
all the time, each and every day.
Hip, hip horrayl

By; Tracy Pinkelton

Long ago a star died to give me birth,
With a collossal explosion it spread
The elements which permeate the Earth,
And myself, though the star's own world's are dead.
They perished with their sun, as suns before
Had perhaps caused other world's demise.
And when young sol crosses nova's bright door
Our torn world will allow others to rise.

What manner of life once called that star "sun"?
Did they still dwell there when that far sun died,
Or could they, somehow, from that death have run?
If trapped, their substance in myself abides.

Are they pleased with their distant progeny?
Will I be with those who inherit me?

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