By; Speaker Linda J. Polley

HOUR OF DEWOLF, By FLETCHER DEWOLF, available from Vantage Press, Inc., 516 West 34th St., New York, N.Y. 10001, for $9.95.
Like a treasury of magickal spells this little book of poetry will weave its way through your imagination, and into your heart. Filled with one verse RHYMING poems, which are somewhat rare in this day and age, this book is pure delight for all poetry lovers. Though fun to read, it also makes a few good comments about society and every day life. The verses featuring mythological and legendary 6haracters, are both unique and intriguing. I'm sure you'll find an "Hour Of DeWolf" much more than an hour's worth of enjoyment, but a book you will treasure for years to come.


By; FREEDOM, P.O. Box 234, Newell, NC 2B126


May we fully turn to God and be fully, perfectly, Divinely guided, assisted, protected and in the Light in this and all we do. May we be in the Divine flow and made a part of the most Divine plan for ourselves and planet Earth. I honor your and my Divine Presence. May nothing deter us from our most perfect Spiritual Divine path. May we be fully protected and surrounded by the Silver, Gold and White Light. May we turn to God and honor His Divine Presence and honor the Divine Presence of the Creator and the Lord and all creators and lords. May we have the most perfect full Divine Great Central Sun Universe Angelic Representation/Protection (worlds above, worlds below) and honor their Divine Presence. May no one prevent or interfere with God's blessings to us.
WHAT REALITY ARE YOU CREATING FOR YOURSELF AND THOSE WHO TRUST YOU? For those of you who guide and influence; Are you considering this a Sacred Trust? Not business as usual? These beings you are supposed to help and guide are relying on you, trusting that you will not let them down in any sense. Are you passing on your limited realities and belief systems to them that is not for their highest good? They may believe you are all-knowing and give you more credit for wisdom and knowledge you are not able to provide. What reality are you in agreement with now? Is it Godly? Is it fully good? Are you in agreement with those of questionable repute (spiritually and legally) as to what reality to uphold? Is your reality a limited one?
Do you believe you can always turn to God and he will forgive you as he never did hold your sins and lack of understanding against you? That he always wanted you to turn to Him? Do you believe there is a difference in God and the Father? A difference in laws and attitude? Do you think you have to come to the Father as an intermediary with God? Would God think this necessary when God can make all things perfect?
It is a great wrong to give someone their beliefs when there are wrongful intentions and deception involved and it will not divinely assist the student/disciple, or neighbor. Are you careful to ascertain whether you have the correct records of a student/disciple? No mistake, no misidentity? Is your work to help or to give karma? Do you think God would approve of you giving karma to his children? Can you tell if you are being misled in your work? Is giving karma making Earth a better place to live? Do you know how much of this work is really illegal?
Really know what kind 'of God you believe in? What are your God/s Divine Attributes? Does this reflect in your daily work and present values and beliefs? Do you believe your God is so unknowing that he must test you or send someone to test you? What kind of reality do you really believe in? What kind of reality have you really created for yourself?
Hold not the blessings from your brother, neighbor, student/disciple that you would want for yourself, whether directly or indirectly, Either by neglect or wrongdoing. Use spiritual discernment. Know the full limits of our LEGAL AND DIVINE authority. Know how God's blessings are being wiehheld from yourself, your brother and Planet Earth.
Are you aware of the false, artificial, illegal laws the Earth is presently subject to in all physicals, lawyers, levels, octaves, planes, 4th dimension?
For those who would try to bridge or unite the Hindu path/Path of the Masters and Christ paths, know that the valid paths concerning these are in seperate dimensions, etc. (they are of different vibrations) and their end results are the manner in which they work/ operate are not alike. The real Christ (Only Begotten Son) path has nothing to do with the Central Universe.
Believe in NO law that wouid LIMIT your spiritual unfoldment, your spiritual progress, spiritual happiness, your spiritual/physical happiness and abundance. Believe in NO law that would make you forget God. Do you really believe this is His desire for you? Would you want your children to forget you?
Can you tell the difference between a mind game, a bad plan and logic, God Logic?
Believe in NO law that would separate you from God. God does not want you to forget Him. God does not want you to create or support negativity, suffering and unhappiness.
Do you serve God or do you serve a Hierarchy? Do you love God or do you love a Hierarchy?
Know what it means to be FULLY in the Light!
Are you trying to serve two masters? You really cannot ride two horses. Are you following double standards? Who is really being benefited?
Do you believe darkness should reside alongside Light? Would you say this is dual thinking? Do you want this as part of your future? Your beliefs should be seen as goals, future realities. Do you want any of your beliefs' (opinions) to come true?


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