ing him, or in gathering evidence. Evidence should be judged on its accuracy, not on how it came into the constable's possession. If the constable has made a mistake accidently or, deliberately, he should be punished for that mistake, for any deliberate violation of the law. But a guilty man should not be sat free because of the constable's error. This causes us much grief and sorrow. Secondly, we never intended that the principle of free speech be used as an excuse to spread public obscenity. We are moral and honorable men, and the use of obscene statements in the public forum disturbs us. We understand a parents desire that their children not hear these things on the public way, and believe it is the right of the community to control the use of language. That this does not violate the privileges of free speech. That a man or woman still has the right to speak for or against any issue, but they should do so with a civil tongue. And we are also disturbed by those who attempt to force their religious desires on others, no matter how great their cause, or how urgent their mission. The place for religion is in the temple and the home, and not the government arena. It was for this very cause that we gave our fortunes and, our 1ives. For it was not just kings we faught against, but church as well. These are but some of the things on which I desired to speak.

10. Will you be able to answer more questions later?

A. I see no reason why 1 cannot speak again if civil and important questions are asked.

11. Do you have any messages for our readers?

A. I believe I have already said that which I desire to say, but I will say this in conclusion. May each and every one of you be happy with God as you perceive Him to be, and let all others be happy with God as they pereeive Him to be.

*  *  *

Our September interview will hopefully be with the Spirit of Dorothy Kilgallen, renowned newspaper reporter and t.v. personality. Be sure to get any questions you have for her in by August lst to be considered for publication in the next issue.


This is an interview with the Spirit of the Norse God Odin. We thank Jesse Torres of Bronx, N.Y. for sending in the questions. The answers are channeled through Speaker Gerald Polley.

1. Greetings, my All-Father. I have some questions to ask of you that I think may interest this columns readers, My Lord. First, how do you feel about how the American comic book company Marvel Comics portrays you, the Aesir, and all the other Earth's pantheons of Gods?

A. Greetings, Bearer Of My Bloodl Let me say that among the Aesir therre are differing opinions on how they are portrayed in modern tales.
I would say most find their portrayals mostly flattering and humerous. I know I, myself, do. One must be able to laugh at oneself, though there are those that would disagree with this philosophy. I find it. the better part of a man's character.

2. What is the real story behind the primordial Frost Giant, Ymir; Father of all giants; both Frost & Cliff?

A. I do not quite understand what information you are seeking. Like the rest of The Aesir Ymir was a child of the Olympian gods, born after they arrived on Earth. His wife was half Olympian, half human. They chose to live in the cold northern regions, as they did not care for the warm climates. Aside from this, I do not know what to tell you. At first we were very good friends then animosity began to grow between us. I believe I spoke about. the source of this animosity in my first interview in March '88. It is something I would not like to go over again so I will leave those thoughts where they are.

3. Do all the other beings defined in the ancient North religious writings & folklore also exist; such as Jormundgandr, The Midgard Serpent; Fenrir, The Great wolf who bit off Tyr's hand; Garm, The Great Dog (Similar to Cerberus of the Olympian underworld) that guards the entrance into Hel & Niflheim, Hela's domain; Nidhogg, the gnawrer at the World-Tree Yggdrasilrs roots, Mimir, the Water-Well of Wisdom, etc. ?

A. Now as the 0lympians could take on many varied forms, they tended to mate with many of this world's animals, and produced some rather unusual off spring. Over the passage of time man has tended to exaggerate them, somewhat, but all you have spoken of have some basis in reality. The World Tree grew out of a huge tree that was the centerpiece of my garden in the material world. The Well Of Wisdom grew out of a spring by the house of a very wise man. Though man has added his own dreams and desires to explain some of the things in his deep memory, it does not mean that these things do not have some basis in truth.

4.  We of the.light-side seem to be losing this war against the darkness. Can we expect any help from the respective Lords that we serve to help even the odds? The opposition are like roaches; for each one we vanquish 100 more rise up to take their fallen ally's place. What can be done about this?

A. Blood of my blood your words rather disturb me, that one of my heart would think that the war would be lost fills me with sadness. It is true now and again the forces of Darkness do well up and extinguish for a time, the Light here and there. But as long as the beacon fires burn, as long as there are those who will take up the sword and battle hatred, greed and injustice, then the war is not over. And when ones such as these go out into battle, the Aesir will always be at their side, ready to bear any wound in their service, and to drive the things of Darkness away from them. Though one may lose a battle in this world of air and stone, if he keeps within him honor, when he leaves this Middle Realm he will be welcomed into the Higher One and seated in a place Of Honor at the Banquet Tale. Sometimes in losing a battle one wins the war. Thoueh I know iI is hard for those of flesh to understand my words, 1 know you who are the bearer of my blood will understand. And with that I leave you.


 We thank The Great Lord Odin for answering these questions for our readers. If anyone has any questions they would like to ask Odin or Zeus feel free to send them in and we will consider them for future issues if we receive enough questions.


"AS WE CELEBRATE The Fourth Of Ju1y, remember- Independence, Freedom And Justice, what many others don't have. Let us cherish it, and strive to help all people everywhere, to have it, also."

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