Chapter 11

"Young man," Mr. Weasley began, "you can understand, as loving parents we would like to know what your intentions are with our daughter!"
Malfoy smiled. "Of course, sir! As soon as your daughter is old enough I intend to make her my wife, and she intends to have as many children as her mother has had to carry on the family tradition. I hope, sir, by the time that that day comes I will have proven myself worthy to be your daughter's husband!"
Mr. Weasley nodded and turned to his daughter. "And what do you say?" he asked.
"That as much as I love you, father, and as much as I love mother, if you were to forbid me in this I would have to go against your wishes The Old Ones put us together and they opened our hearts to each other. We cannot deny Their wisdom!"
Mr. Weasley looked a little cross, and looked to his wife who could not maintain the charade but burst out laughing. She stepped forward, took Malfoy in her arms, hugged him strongly, and then kissed him on both cheeks.
"My daughter has claimed her prize!" she remarked, "And I think she has chosen very well! You must come and visit often!"
"As soon as the current crisis is over," Malfoy remarked, "we intend to do so. But until the dark force that destroyed my father is vanquished our duty is here, standing beside those fighting it."
He shot a glance to Harry, without a word Mrs. Weasley went over and embraced him, too. "You must never be a stranger either, Harry!" she remarked.
"I don't intend to be!" Harry answered. "I can't do without your cooking!" Mrs. Weasley kissed him. "Come along!" Mr. Weasley encouraged. "Your brothers have expressed a bit of concern about this situation. I want to find each of them and assure them that all is to our satisfaction. If you will excuse us, Harry..."
Harry bowed as they went off. As Harry turned around Hermione was there. A distinguished looking man and woman stood behind her. "Harry Potter," Hermione remarked, "I'd like you to meet my parents, George and Alice Granger!"
Without hesitation Harry extended his hand.
"Should've introduced ourselves long before," Mr. Granger commented, taking Harry's hand. "Hermione has talked about you constantly!"
"She has talked about nothing else," her mother put in, "since she started school here except that young man from the north whose mother and I have been good friends."
'That is a very special young man," Harry commented. "Has Hermione shown you some of Hogwart's special sites?"
"No," Mr. Granger answered.
"Then let's go see some of them!" Harry remarked. Hermione's parents both bowed and they headed off. After a while Hermione's father edged them away from the women. "Hermione tells me you're under a lot of pressure, Harry. A lot of demands are being put on you for someone so young. I am a professional counselor. If you ever just need someone to talk to that isn't involved in all this, I'm always there, any time, night of day. You have my number!"
"Thank you!" Harry praised. "Thank you very much! I very well may take you up on that!"
When all the festivities were over and all the families had gone home, the headmistress called everyone to the banquet hall including the ghosts. She tapped her glass.
"There are some matters," she commented, "that have to be discussed. Professor Potter has a few things to say. He will ask for your comments, and I ask you to give them, freely. Professor?"

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