Chapter Seventeen
A Note From A Friend

Nathaniel found his young prisoners now surprisingly cooperative! It was almost as if they were relieved to have this part of their life over. In a few hours of quiet conversation Nathaniel had enough to deal with Peterson and all the agents of both the Bureau and the Agency he had gathered around him, for his own special purposes.
Nathaniel wanted to be there for the arrest, so he boarded a plane and by the next morning was in Tubalo, Mississippi. Peterson had finally shaken his pursuers but an anonymous phone call had told the agency where to find him, and, several of his friends.
Nathaniel waited early the next morning with forty well armed agents from several different departments. They went in so fast those in the house never even had time to get out of bed, but were groggily put into handcuffs as they began to wake up. Peterson was dragged out in the company of a sleazy looking blonde.
Peterson angrily snapped at Nathaniel. "You've won this time, but there'll be another time! The superior people will endure!"
Nathaniel smiled. "I don't doubt it," he answered. "But it's going to be awhile before your little Aryan nation can be established. Its inhabitants have got a long stay ahead in some federal facilities."
"I'm going to have plenty to say when I come to trial!" Peterson snapped. "Plenty that's going to make some very interesting articles and t.v. shows!"
"I'll give you some advice," Nathaniel snapped, "don't even think about it! You'll live longer that way."
Peterson just gave him an angry look as he was dragged off.
They all loaded up and headed for the nearest federal facility. They were coming on to the main highway when ahead of them a semi came crashing through the medium and drove into the middle of their convoy going in the wrong direction. There was the screech of breaks, and the scream of dozens of voices.
Somehow Nathaniel's van managed to get out of the way, ending up half rolled over on the bank. All the other vehicles, save the ones with the prisoners in it, also escaped collision, but by the time Nathaniel and the rest of his party managed to exit their vehicle the van and the tractor of the semi were a blazing inferno. The two agents that had been with the prisoners had somehow managed to be thrown clear. They were severely hurt but would survive.
"Tried to tell him," Nathaniel muttered, "tried to tell him!"
It took them several hours to retrieve the bodies and do all the paperwork such an incident entailed. But finally Nathaniel caught a plane back to Washington.
The next day he came into his office, sat down at his desk, and looked at the mountain of paperwork that had accumulated in his absence.
"Aw, the thrills of public service!" he muttered. He picked up a stack of papers, plopped them before him, and began to work his way through them. About half way down he found a hand written note.
"Mr. Green," it said, "next time kindly do not follow quite that close. You were almost a highway statistic! I don't like my friends being statistics!"
Nathaniel looked at the note and began to laugh. He laughed so hard his secretary came in. "Is something the matter, Mr. Green?" she asked.
"No," Nathaniel answered, "just a little note from a friend. Nothing of any importance."
He continued to chuckle as he continued on through the pile of papers. He chuckled for white a while.


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