It didn't take two weeks to get the mandate, it took three-and-a-half, and it was a considerable struggle. But Page finally made an impassionate speech before the whole General Assembly.
"There comes a time, ladies and gentlemen," he said, "when the leader of a country must be held accountable, when his crimes are so great that diplomatic immunity can no longer be allowed to protect him from those who seek that he be justly held accountable for what he has done. You have heard the evidence we have presented. The defense of those who oppose us is ludicrous. You know as well as I this evidence was not faked in Hollywood. You heard the leader of North Korea clearly and distinctly order this pilot to fire on a transport carrying women and children.
You clearly heard another pilot identifying that air craft, clearly stating that it was a transport carrying women and children, NOT as the North Koreans claim, a reconnasiance plane, spying on their air space. If you let this murder of women and children go unchallenged who will be next? Who will think he can do whatever he wants with total immunity? We cannot let this atrocity pass. We cannot think of letting the one who ordered it go unpunished. You must give us the mandate to bring this individual to justice, to make him answer to his crimes before an international tribunal. And if his people WILL NOT surrender him peacably, you MUST give us the right to go and seize him, as agents NOT of ourselves alone, but as agents of The United International Community who has said NO MORE!
I plead with you, with all my heart, with all my soul.....give us this mandaate! Give us justice! Thank you."
The President Of The United Nations rose and asked for the vote. It was overwhelming. Only five nations opposed the mandate. In The White House The President sat back at his desk and gave an approving smile to Senator Bishop.
"Now we really start to move!" The President commented. "Now that we have The United Nations with us I want some reinforcements. No matter how hesitant they are I WANT the other major nations of the world to give us troops. I want this to be an International effort, not just an American effort!"
The Senator nodded and was about to say something when there was a tremendous explosion and The President's bullet proof windows rattled! "What to hell?" the senator screamed. A Secret Service Man rushed in The Oval Office.
"Mr. President!" he screamed, "The White House is under attack! We must get you to a more secure position."
There was another explosion and The President remarked, "I should certainly think so!"
They immediately beggan to make their way through the halls, and towards the operations room. But the marines that The President brought into The White House intercepted them.
"The perimeter's been breeched!" one of them screamed. "They're in the house! We must evacuate across the west lawn!"
The Secret Service Men hesitated but The President ordered them to follow the marines' lead. "Did my wife leave on schedule?" The President screamed.
"Yes!" a Secret Service Man answered. "She's not in the building."
The President nodded. They emerged and started across the lawn. They had almost made the back gate when a sudden volley of fire cut down the three marines in the lead. The others took cover. Twenty or so men blocked their route of escape. The President crawled over to one of the young marines, whose name was Terry. The President had gotten attached to him. His mother had been ill and The President had been making a special effort to see to it she got the medical attention she needed. The young man was dead. He'd been shot through the head. The President began to strip his bandolier.
"What do you think you're doing?" Senator Bishop asked.
"This boy was a friend of mine," The President answered, "Those sons of bitches out there just killed him! I intend to kick their God damned butts!"
"I wouldn't advise that, Mr. President," one of The Secret Service Men argued. "We should wait for the reinforcements."
"I'm not known for my patience!" The President answered, slipping the weapons bayonet in place.
One of the marines slipped a battle jacket off from one of the dead and began to force The President into it.
"How do you want to do it, sir?" the sergeant asked.
"Half of us spread out," The President ordered, "lay down covering fire. The rest of us go at 'em before any more of 'em show up, and get us in a crossfire."
"You Secret Service guys cover us!" the sergeant ordered, "You're not trained for this!"
"On my count!" The President screamed. "Three, two one, GO!"
The Secret Service men laid down a hail of fire while The President and The Marines jumped up and rushed

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