Chapter 3

The next morning The President got up at six and went down to the exercise room. The t.v. there was turned to CNN. As The President went through his morning routines he studied the reports. There was a small vocal anti war element, but the majority of the people were saying "Do something!"
As was his custom The President's press secretary entered just as the President was headed for the whirlpool. As The President submerged himself. Morganfield took a chair and sat down by the edge of the bath. "Getting old, Howard," the President moaned. "Each day it's a little harder. Any idea how many times people have tried to kill me in the last ten years?" The press secretary looked thoughtful. "I believe seven, sir," he answered. "Of course we can't count the times you deliberately got in a shoot out with somebody!"
"No!" The President laughed, "We can't!" What would you say would be our chances in the senate if I was to ask for a declaration of war?"
"I believe you would get it, Mr. President!" the press secretary answered. " It would be close, but you would get it."
The President looked at his old friend. "Give!" he demanded.
"I've cheated, sir," the secretary answered. "I've listened to the tapes. When you hear them, sir, there'll be no question you'll fight. I know you. There'll be nothing else you can do."
The President looked thoughtful. "I told everybody ten o'clock," he sighed, "maybe we'd better make it 8. If you're so disturbed, my old friend, it must be BAD. Can it be arranged?"
The secretary smiled. "I've already told everyone to stand by," he answered.
"Good," The President snapped, "get to hell out of here! Let me get dressed. Tell Eleanore I'm going to want a good field commander...somebody I can send over there that will follow orders but still do a good job, and, tell me if I'm screwing up."
The press secretary opened the case he was carrying and took out a folder. "Benjamin Hayes!" he remarked. "Just made Brigadier, but he's the best in the Army right now. I guess the Generals hashed it over last night and said everybody else would follow him."
"My office!" The President snapped, "After the meeting!"
The secretary nodded, and without another word departed. The President enjoyed the soothing water a few more minutes, then got out and dried off. As soon as he was in his underwear the door opened and his secretary came in.
"Well, Mary!" The President snapped, "I suppose everybody in the world wants to see me, or, wants me to call."
"Just about!" the secretary answered. "I don't even know where to begin, Mr. President, to prioritize!"
"I want to speak with The President Of Russia," The President began, "France, The Prime Minister, The Premier. Arrange those calls first. I'll want their support in The United Nations. Get on those right now."
"Er...sir," the secretary put in, "The Premier sent a message saying that because of the circumstances he would prefer NOT to deal with you directly. His ambassador will be here to speak with you this afternoon."
"Very well," The President answered. "Go get the calls ready. I want to be done by 8."
The President met resistance from each of those he called. They were sympathetic. They understood his feelings, but they wanted him to take some limited action.
The President advised them that he doubted limited action would be possible, and that they should be prepared for a major effort. "I will be calling in some favors," he told each national leader, "and I will expect these calls to be answered. If they are not I am going to be very displeased, and you know how I can get when I'm displeased!"
At almost precisely 8 The President entered The War Room. All there were very somber.
"Well," The President began, "who's this charming young lady?"
The newcomer to the room blushed.
"The tapes have already been translated, Mr. President, but this is Sing Lau Nu, a North Korean that works with military intelligence. She not only translates, but she can put a lot of meaning into the feeling of the person's voice. She's very good. We thought she might be useful."
"Well, Major Smith!" The President answered with a smile, "if you intelligence boys think she'll be of use, I'm sure she will! As I don't speak Korean I'd like to keep her handy. Would you mind staying in The White House until the crisis is over, Miss Nu? It is Miss, isn't it?"

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