7 A short time ago six billion of us walked the streets of our cities. Now, less than five per cent of that number remains ….and we cling to life by the bearest thread. Much has changed, and much needs to change. No longer must the women walk respectfully behind their men,
but they must now stand shoulder to shoulder with them, to help rebuild their world.
8 From this day forth, a man shall not own his woman's goods. All they have will belong to the two of them. A daughter shall inherit as well as a son, and when a woman marries, what is hers shall stay hers, and not become the property of her husband.
9 For a time we must share all that we have. It is not proper that we should make profits at the expense of so much suffering but records shall be kept, and when the time comes again, an accounting will be made, and life will return to a shadow of what it was.
10 Think not that I take for a moment, your freedom, 'for I cherish it above all other things. And as soon as this terrible time has passed, the military law will be lifted, and we will return to civil government, but it will be a new kind of government.
11 No longer will there be separate courts for the Nobles and the Commoners. No longer will there be different Laws. I have rewritten the Book of The Law while I lay in my bed , healing, and this night I order that it be distributed to all, that they may read and approve.
12 Little more can I say to you this night, other than this...pray, I ask of you, that The Father of Fathers and His Great Queen turn away their angry force from us, and shed tears for our sorrow, forgive our shame, and help us to rebuild that that has been lost. Peace be with you all."
13 Lord Change rose and looked to those in the transmission stations to judge their reactions to what he had said. Most nodded he sensed a great wave of agreement. As he turned to leave, five Councilmen entered through the

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