7 When they had gathered, he began to speak. "Hear you, my brothers, protectors of The Sacred Faith, that you are not yet ready to know all things, that some things from you shall be kept a mystery. Until that time comes that you are in desperate need, and then one who has all understanding, who knows all wisdom, shall come to you.
8 He shall be as the light of the morning, and shall be called The Wonderful, and at his side shall be The Thunder, and, The Lightning, the one called Merciless, The Great Destroyer. From his blood shall your Fathers come, and upon his joy shall your people rise.
9 For this I have seen in a Dream when I have looked into Tomorrow. For we are not alone. There are others in the stars, and they shall walk among us, and we, with them.  Then all things worth knowing shall you know, all things that are good you shall hear.
10 Most among you shall cease to call me God, but I shall be one with the greatest of Teachers. The one who shall come shall have never read my words, but shall know them as well as any man who walks upon this ancient soil that we call sacred.
11 Hear his words, my brothers. When he comes bow down and worship his Fathers and your Fathers. Become one with The Great People that are his. Do not think that this will come in a day, or, a year, or a hundred years. There are yet a great many years before this comes to pass. But come to pass it will.
12 I have taught you those great things that The Father of Fathers has told me, and that His Gentle Wife has said, also. I know these thoughts are new to you, but they are for the good of the people. Go forth unto all The Temples and teach The Beginning of The New Age."

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