minutes they whispered. Then the noble turned to Lord Change. "Our transmitter is dead, but we have been monitoring what you have been saying. What is this that you force women to work, to do men's things? Have you turned from The Old Ways?"
9 "A woman is a woman," argued Lord Change, "and a man is a man. What one does and what the other does aside from raising children, is for their own conscience. Each woman should be allowed to rise to her own place. The male is superior in some ways, but the female too, has her own resources. Let her seek that which is good for her and her family, and for her clan. Let her not be bound by the traditions of old.
10 Was not The Mother of Mothers a warrioress? Did she not meet The Father of Fathers by slaying the long-toothed cat that was about to take his life? And was it not by her skills as a Healer that his strength was returned and he built the first cities?"
11 "You speak words of Great Wisdom," agreed Ka, "you have promised us your life in exchange for us joining your Federation. I give you back your life. Upon seeing you I can see that The Father of Fathers has punished you enough. Your people have suffered as great as mine. We will accept your peace and join your Federation. I know you must be anxious to return, but I ask you, spend the night, there are things I must discuss with my Council. I am sure there are demands they will want to make."
12 "That is well," agreed Lord Change. "I will signal my ship that all is good with us."
13 "It would be my pleasure," suggested Ka, "if the rest of your vessels land or at least if the crews came down in shifts and partake of what comfort we can offer them. We have little to give, but that is at their service. That they could have rained death down upon us, even from these old ships is without question. That they chose not to, at your command, shows that indeed you are changed.

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