to trick me into doing what you want, and I'm not that foolish. I will warn you once, and only once ....never bother me again.
You will regret it if you do!"
11 The Lord God's brother jumped to his feet. "You son of a Hashon whore!" he screamed, "How dare you speak to me like that?"
12 Morn turned and started for the door. His uncle
reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder. This was a drastic mistake! Morn's battle training and tremendous strength made him the match for any man. His uncle found himself flying through the air, the dressing robe flying open, revealing his naked body beneath. He landed in the corner with a crash!
13 The inside lock of the door had code buttons, but this didn't bother Morn. He ripped the unit out of the wall, pulled out the wires, and touched them together so the door opened. As he stepped outside he heard his uncle screaming behind him, "You'll pay for this, you little bastard! I'll get you or someone you love, but I'll make you pay!"
14 Morn yanked the door and it shut behind him. He went up to his father's audience room, and found it crowded as usual. But everyone made way as he entered. "My Lord God," he announced, "true and divine protector of our people. I must speak with you in private."
15 The Lord God looked up in surprise. Morn hardly ever spoke to him in a formal manner, and NEVER used any of his formal titles. He rose and led Morn into the private chamber where his son told him all that had happened. The Lord God's face grew blank then his eyes narrowed, and his lips pulled back. He opened the door and screamed for the Chamberlain. The man hurried over. "Yes, oh blessed Light of The World," he said.
16 "Go find my brother," snapped The Lord God, "tell him he is to leave the Palace at once, and he is never, ever to return again! If he does, it will mean his life. If I ever see his face again, it will be the last day he lives. And, if

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