ball, the size of a moon, at least two-thousand times their mass! The surface seemed to be seamless, and only broken by an occasional hole here and there. From four large holes that they could have easily flown into, beams of light were emerging, obviously some type of propulsion. The destroyer was angling in to fire on these openings.
21 "He's out of his mind," gasped North, "to attack that thing!"
22 They watched the record as the destroyer caught up with the fleeing giant. Whatever the propulsion the giant was using, it was slower than their star drive. The giant maneuvered this way and that, trying to shake off their pursuing attacker, but to no avail.
23 "Locked on target," said Firing Control. "Ten seconds to cross point, seven, six, five, four..." Suddenly the command deck was empty. One instant the Officers were there, the next instant they were gone! No flash of energy, no sudden cries, they just vanished!
24 "Computer," ordered North, "go back and give me an image by image picture of that until the crew disappears."
25 The computer obliged, but they could still see nothing. In one image the crew was there, in the next they were gone. North took the scanner he was carrying and again scanned the command deck, but he got the same readings he had gotten when he first did it. There was no sign of dust, ashes, or any loose organic matter that could have once been living beings. One of the Officers with him must have read his thoughts. "How did they destroy them, sir, without a trace, and not damage the ship? It just doesn't make sense!"
26 "I don't think they did," answered North. "I think they TOOK them. I think somehow they reached out from that metallic giant and plucked them off the command deck before they could harm them."
27 "But why, sir?" asked the Officer, "if they could do something like THAT, they could have just as easily

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