10 "Will they be all right?" asked North.
11 "I think, sir," answered Thundering River, "I'm going to be busy for a while, though. Do you want us to clean up the air lock?"
12 "No," North replied, "there's no time for that. Just shut the hatch ....no! Don't shut it! Leave the hatch open but shut down the air and heat."
13 A few moments later they were moving again.  As they neared the hull of the middle section North heard the Engineer whistle. "Good Lord!" he gasped, "How is she still holding, sir?"
14 "I don't know," answered North, "but what worries me is the way what's left of that cargo pod is swinging around. One good bump and she could breech that hull!"
15 "I agree, sir," the Engineer continued. "It's imperative we evacuate."
16 "What's your name, mister?" asked North. "I'm getting tired of saying 'Hey , Engineer!'"
17 "Thundering Star," the Engineer answered.
18 "O.k. Thundering," North acknowledged, "inside! As soon as we're sure we've got a secure contact, start cutting. I'll stay outside to monitor the seal.
Let everyone inside know what you're doing. You know the hull, you pick the place.
19 The Engineer moved along the hull, moving up and down. Finally, he selected a spot and North moved the airlock over him. A moment later it snapped to the hull with a jerk, as the magnetic ring was activated.
20 North did a circle making sure it was secure, then told Thundering Star to start cutting. All North could do now was wait, while the young Engineer cut through the hull and cleared a way to the trapped men.
The job was about half completed, when North was suddenly startled by something grabbing his shoulder. "What the..." he cried.

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