anesthesia," she explained. "We have to be able to tell if the cells are active. We'll have to paralyze your nervous system so you can't move, and go in after the cells while you're conscious. The pain will be unbelievable. It quite probably could kill you."
10 "So I have a choice!" North sighed. "Endure the pain and perhaps die, or spend the rest of my life in darkness." The Doctor nodded. North took a deep breath. "Get on with it," he ordered.
11 The Doctor moved in some equipment. Some wires were attached to North and he found himself rigid as the Doctor went to work as fast as she could.
12 The world around North disappeared in a burning red blur. In his office Morn jumped to his feet and screamed. "North!" he gasped, "What in the Name of The Lords are they doing to him?"
13 Bright Star, who had been in the office, also jumped to his feet. "Go!" Morn ordered, "Get a Security Team to the hospital! Something's wrong with North! Find out what's going on!"
14 The startled Aide rushed to obey. Morn sat down and reached for North with his mind. Fighting through the fire and the blur he found North standing at the Threshold of a Doorway. A shimmering, transparent curtain hung over the door, and a beautiful landscape with a shining city in the distance could be seen. Peace, happiness and joy radiated from the doorway, while darkness, pain and sorrow were on the other side.
15 North reached out for the curtain and Morn seized him, hauling him back. "NO, North! " he screamed, "NO! That's not for you! Not yet, not for a long, long time! Come back! Hold on! It will only be a short time more. Whatever it is will pass!"
16 Almost as he spoke Morn heard a woman's voice crying, "I've got them! Good ones! Give him the injection!"
17 Almost instantly the blazing fire began to cool

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