move the enemy could make. We will be outnumbered four to one when we reach our objective. The only hope we have is that we move fast and precisely eliminate any resistance before us, destroy our objective and retreat before the enemy can muster against us enough force to destroy us. We will be fighting the best they've got, gentlemen."
16 The screen behind North lit up. "Because this is where we're going ....The Imperial Shipyards orbiting the five major moons of The Imperial Capitol! We're going in, gentlemen, and when we leave there'll he nothing....NOTHING left!"
17 All the Officers were on their feet applauding and cheering, the Reds coming forward to congratulate the Blues. North turned and looked at the screen behind him. He could barely see anything. Was he making a mistake insisting on leading this mission? Should he insist on going himself against all objection, or entrust the mission to someone else?
18 Morale was important, as was equipment. His men had absolute faith in him, even blind. If they had to trust someone else, would their reaction be just that much slower? Would their response to orders be hesitant? No. They were trained too well for that. But North had one skill his other Officers didn't have; an ability to predict his opponent’s movements with uncanny accuracy.  This would give his men more of a chance for survival than anything else.
19 Even at the risk of the loss of his sight North HAD to go, even though there was only two week's grace period between the completion of the mission and his scheduled operation. No …he HAD to go, no matter what, he HAD to go! So while their ships were being prepared, they made the flight again and again in the simulators.
20 North had positioned The Home Fleet in the worst possible position they could be in their arrival, and the

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