22 They would not return to the desert world again. They would go to the water one beyond it. Perhaps there, there were creatures they could use as hosts to re-crew their ship, or perhaps, using the genes they had, create a colony. They had a long time ....a VERY long time to decide.
23 The Morning Star reappeared in the distant system. They didn't even bother to scan it, just checked for any sign that might tell them in which direction home lie, but there was nothing. They leaped again and again. Six precious days had passed and they were not any surer of their course at all. They came out of leap and at first Navigation found nothing. Then suddenly he gave a startled cry. ''What is it?" North asked.
24 "Nothing, sir," the Officer answered. "My instruments must be faulty. They're showing hyper wave readings, but it couldn't possibly be! The readings show objects in motion as big as planets! Nothing THAT big could move at THAT speed!"
25 "GHOSTS!" screamed North. "Line up on that system! How long before we can leap?"
26 "Twenty minutes, sir," Helm announced.
27 "Go, man, go!" North ordered. "Get us in there!"
28 The bewildered Officers obeyed. Again The Morning Star leaped. She appeared in the midst of a system whose plants were apparently taking off for deep space, disappearing in all directions!
29 "Communications," ordered North, "hailing frequency! Broadcast what I say! This is General Northern Star of The Republic Of Free Planets. You do not have to evacuate. We mean you no harm. We are merely lost. I have done you favors in the past. I ask now that you do ME one and give us a bearing home. That

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