9 And yet another says that 'No publication or broadcast may portray two males together or, two females together in sexual activity.'
10 And this final one says that 'No actor or actress may pretend to be any of The Holy Lords or The Lords of any other religion for the purpose of promoting any product or service. Nor, can any Actor or Actress pretend to be any famous person for any purpose whatsoever, without that famous person's consent. This includes any imitation of their gestures, or, voice.'
11 We are very confused about these things! How can a press or broadcast be free to express themselves with such regulations?"
12 "You must understand," explained Morn, "that sometimes one right must be controlled a little bit, to insure another right. Take for instance the right of a just and fair trial. Say someone is arrested for a crime. The newspapers and Broadcasters start saying 'The Police have arrested such and such who was committing these crimes.' They have already decided that this person is guilty before he ever has his trial. People reading the papers and hearing the broadcasts will believe the man is guilty even though he might be innocent and later proven so. But because the papers and Broadcasters said he was guilty, some people may still believe it is so. So do you see the reasoning behind this Law? The newspapers and Broadcasters are still able to report the news, but the rights of the individual are also protected.
13 And also, according to our Law, the name of a person who has committed evil cannot be spoken, so if this person actually did commit the crime, again his name should not be used. Do you understand?"
14 "When it is explained," acknowledged the Spearon, "it does make a certain amount of sense!"
15 "Again, your second question is a matter of

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