you, you have not been able to find The Key. I tell it to you now.
25 Go to The Chamber, Speak your name, the time of your birth, and the time that is now. Then call my name and say that for Lord Change the chimes ring twice. That which many generations have sought shall be yours.
26 But beware, child of my child, you wear the mantle of High Priest, but what are you to one who has spoken with Death, Himself, who has died and been reborn numberous times to fight that evil that dwells within the heart of his people; who stands beside one that is even greater than himself? Who are you, compared to this one, who merely lights candles and says prayers, but keeps no true Light in his heart? My crime was great. I wanted to kill goodness so I could go on killing. Is your crime any less? Because of a darkness in your own heart you try to hide The Light from others. There is time yet for you to accept The Truth of Change, but very little.  Listen to the words I left you in The Chamber Of Whispers. Here, for it is a secret that you must keep yourself, but on which you must act. I bid you leave.”
27 North's hand fell back to his side and he felt himself being drawn back into his own form. He shook himself. "Oh, Holy Lords," he stammered, "Divine Light Of Love and Truth, Blessed Mothers and Holy Fathers, I now close that Door that I have opened and bid you to seal it well and guard it, that it may not be opened again, but by my will." He opened his eyes and found everyone staring at him.
28 "Who has told you," demanded The High Priest, "that I am a descendant of Do?"
29 "I do not know of what you speak," insisted North. "I know nothing of your history other than what I have read in The Book Of Change."
30 "It does not matter," insisted The High Priest. "the falsity of what you said will be proven quick enough

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