11 "Do you really think I need such advice?" North scolded.
12 "Not really," laughed Valley Blossom, "but we thought it good to remind you.
13 "We'd better get going," North announced, "or we're going to be late."
14 By the time they reached the park it was already filled with at least half the people in the station. A stage had been erected, and The Symbol Of The Lords floated on a disk above it so all could see the ceremony.
15 Great Bear stood ready. As soon as North and his family took their place, The Ceremony began. North could never understand why this simple Ceremony thrilled him so, but each time he saw it, it filled him with a special kind of warmth.
16 A young Peepian male took The Bread And Wine with Spearina. Both of them looked like they were scared half to death! When the Ceremony was completed, Spearina came down off the stage and curtsied politely in front of North.
17 "Servant Of The Lords," she cried, "I present myself before you as by The Ancient law, and those words spoken by The Old Fox. I am now one with His Children, and seek your favor, that I might enter your house as one, to be your companion and to bear your children. If this would please you, it would bring great joy to my heart. I know by Custom, a male of my house should speak for me, but as none of them are of The Faith, I speak for myself, and I hope you will forgive my boldness."
18 North was surprised that Spearina was going to the trouble of a formal request, and, in public, yet, but he suddenly became aware that there was not a sound to be heard. Everyone in the crowd was waiting for him to answer.
19 "Your boldness," he began, "under the circumstances, is forgivable, and as the thing has already been planned by Those with more authority in the matter than myself, it will give me joy in five day's time, with the rising of the sun, to make you one with my house, if that

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