The First Speaker. He was part of the corruption that was making itself rich on the war.
17 He told a Warlock who was in league with him, "Stay close to this Gray Goat. When he interferes with a flogging, as I am sure he will, take some of our friends as witnesses and seize him. On the journey to Northern, he will try to escape, and reluctantly a bowman will have to cut him down!"
18 The Warlock smiled. "Then we go back in business," he said, "making profit on food we never deliver, and selling the young prisoners to our friends who like to have a little fun. Our pockets will jingle again, once this moral fool is out of the way."
19 Gray Goat was not long in answering their challenge, but a week after the decree two prisoners escaped from a camp near where he was staying, in a village of The Gentleness. They were recaptured two days later, and dragged back to the camp. The Warlock there ordered them beaten the next day, but as the prisoners were brought out to witness the punishment, Gray Goat and the People of The Gentleness entered their camp.
20 "Fighting People of The Lords," cried Gray Goat, "you have been given an illegal order, which, according to The Law, you can disobey. You cannot
be made to put the lash to any man's back. If you obey this unjust Law, if you do evil, then you will suffer with those who gave you the order."
21 "Don't listen to him!" screamed the Warlock, "The First Speaker has made a decree. you must obey it. He is The Law of The Land."
22 "Do not hear him!" answered Gray Goat. "You have all been taught The Law. You know your rights as civilians and soldiers. Do not let him make you do something your Souls will weep for. Obey your hearts.

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