22 Now, when Little Shy Fox heard this, amazement came upon his face. "Without doubt," he said, "it is true. Every word is true! Truly, The Lords do exist, and I believe."
23 Sorrowful Fox jumped up and cried angrily, "Fools! It is not true! He has an evil spirit...a demon! It lies to you and will lead you all to ruin. Everyone knows there are gods and there are spirits, but the gods are superior to the Spirits. I will hear no more of this. I take my kin and depart. I am no longer part of this family. I will not follow down the path of ruin with fools! Be deceived if you want to be, but I will not be. I am no longer kin of this house. Do not call me forth again!" He gathered his family and departed, and when he was gone, The Old Fox spoke.
24 "That the youngest of my father's blood has left us," he said, "grieves me. But I cannot turn from The Course I have chosen to follow. From this day forth I will be a Worshipper of The Lords. And I invite all here to join me. Any who do not wish to do so, may journey forth with a free heart."
25 Now, Silver Fox stood. "I will admit, brother," he announced, "I hold more than a small interest. But before I decide, you must tell me something...are these Lords for The Family Fox alone, or are They for all men? Already you have spoken the shocking words about the equality of our sisters. I have a strange feeling you have even more surprising things to say, and would like to hear them, now."
26 "True, my brother," The Old Fox replied, "there is one more thing I must say. For since The Lords have said it, it weighs heavy in my heart, and you must know it before you decide.
27 Our family has been chosen to be the first bearers of The Word of The Lords, but The Word of The Lords is not for us, alone. It is for every land, every nation, every people. Wherever a voice cries for Truth, The Word of The Lords shall be taken. That is The Task The Lords give us, and They do not promise it will be easy. There will be bitterness, hardship and danger. And before The Lords, all men are equal.
28 Justice must be for all, so no Child of The Lords may keep slaves. Bound servants you may have, and hired people, but those slaves who have earned their purchase price you must set free.
29 In The Land of The Lords, only those who have done evil shall bear chains."
30 Now, a great murmur arose among those in the courtyard and Bay Blossom Boar rose. "Lord," she said, "We love our slaves! Many of them are like our own kin! Shall we cast them out to fend for themselves? That would be cruelty! Some of them do not know how to buy or sell, or even what is a fair day's wage. They were born slaves, and their fathers were slaves before them. Free them, and they would be quickly enslaved again."
31 "Good lady," The Old Fox answered, "The Lords would forbid any such thing. We would keep all slaves as servants until we taught them to fend for themselves, but no person shall serve us in chans. Those in The House of The Lords are FREE MEN ALL!"
32 "Then I have heard what I want to hear," cried Silver Fox. "I am with you! Glory be to The Lords of Spirit!"
33 Bold Fox jumped to his feet. "The Lords of Spirit!" he cried, and in moments everyone was on their feet crying "Spirit! Spirit!"
34 The Old Fox motioned to Sure Hands. "Go to your workshop," he instructed, "bring every hammer and mallet you have." To a servant, he cried, "Do the same!" To the women he said, "Into the house! Bring out every image of the gods you can find!" To the men he said "Seize the images of the gods in the temple and bring them out into the yard of the house!"
35 Quickly he was obeyed. In a few minutes all gathered around the statues of the gods in the yard of the house, and The Old Fox passed out hammers and mallets to all.
36 "Smash them!" he cried, "Destroy them! Set your people free!"
37 With a joyous cry the people fell upon the statues and the sound of their blows was like thunder. And when it was done, Sure Hands set the servants to work, gathering the gold leaf that had adorned the statues.
38 "Now you must journey home," The Old Fox told everyone, "but come the next Worship Day we must meet again, and ten of you must stay to be trained as Speakers so that after you are trained I may send you back to your own ciites, that you may teach and lead the people in worship there."
39 Now, each family must provide food and money for those staying, for the time they are here. I have already arranged to rent the house across the road for their quarters."
40 "Our brother prepares well," complimented Trusting Fox, "surely we must all agree to his terms. Name those you require."
41 "Now from the house of Trusting Fox," The Old Fox announced, "I want Valley Blossom Crow and Gray Fox. From the house of Silver Fox I want Silver Fox himself and Little Bay Blossom Fox. From the house of Shy Fox, I want Little Trusting Fox and Valley Blossom Fox."
42 Valley Blossom came forward. "Teacher," she interrupted, "though I wish to follow Spirit as you have taught, I do not wish to be one of Their priestesses."
43 "You will not be a priestess," The Old Fox commented, "you will be a Speaker, equal to every other Speaker."
44 "Well may it be, Precious One," she said, "but I do not wish it."
45 Shy Fox spoke angrily. "Daughter, you have been chosen. Obey!"
46 The Old Fox raised his hand. "If she is not ready," he explained, "it is not her time. Her time will come, but I will have to choose another. She would perhaps have been the strongest among us, but The Lords Way is not by force." The other women of Gray Fox's clan came forward.

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