brothers will enjoy."
24 "I did not consider it that way," answered The Old Chieftain. "I will abide by your wishes!"
25 So the negotiations continued, and it was finally agreed. Each tribe would be paid five-hundred gold pieces now, plus, five-hundred head of cattle, and five-hundred head of sheep, to be divided among the Ten Tribes. The Giants would receive the same payment for the next ten years, half again, for the ten years after that, and half again ten more years after that. Then, the debt would be paid, and all the land, save for that of The Boating Giants, would belong to The Children Of Spirit, who then possessed it. A contract stating this was drawn up, both in the Giants' tongue and that of The Children of Spirit.
26 It was also agreed that The Children of Spirit would hire many Giants to help them in building their ciites. Bold Fox was amused as the Giants watched him write up the contract. He was shocked, when he found out from Strong Wall that only the scribes and engineers knew how to write among the Giants! The soldiers and nobles considered this work only for scribes and bookkeepers, so they never learned!
27 When Bold Fox found out that the Giants' alphabet consisted of over three-hundred-and-fifty hard to draw characters, he could understand why! He had problems with the thirty-one of his own alphabet! But ten times that number made him shiver!
28 He returned home at the head of a great caravan, and when The Old Fox heard his news, he was well pleased. "We were willing to pay far more," he complimented, "you have bargained very well, nephew, and will be long remembered for your efforts!"
29 So The People of Spirit looked at the map of their New Land. And, at the places the Giants suggested for cities. "The shores of our new lake," explained Bold Fox, "are rough. There are few beaches or harbors, mostly rocks and cliffs going down to the water, or water met by thick swamps. These places the Giants consider the best for cities, were also chosen by some of those who tried to take this land before us. They tell me that there are still houses standing in these places, even usable wells! All we will have to do is put some new roofs on them!"
30 "Then, we will split into four parties," ordered The Old Fox. "I will journey to this northern location. You, Bold Fox, will take this eastern location, Lame Fox, the western one, and Gray Dove, the southern one. Here, we will build our cities, and our people can prosper."
31 "But what shall we call our cities?" an Elder asked.
32 "Let us not be complicated," said The Old Fox. "To save argument, let us simply call them Northern, Eastern, Western, and Southern."
33 The Elders agreed. Gray Dove and Bold Fox looked at the map. "That will be a terrible journey overland," they argued, "look at the distance we have to go! But I suppose it cannot be helped!"
34 "Yes it can," said one of the Giants. "By the time your people are ready to move we can have our boats in the water. They are good sized, and there are hundreds of them. We can simply load your groups one at a time, and sail them down the lakes! It will only take a few days instead of weeks of overland. We can be done in plenty of time to still go south, do our trading, and be back before the summer's heat closes the desert."
35 "I will send messengers right now," announced the Giant, "telling my people to stay where they are."
36 "It would certainly be an aide to us," agreed The Old Fox. "But how will we pay you?"
37 "Let each person," said the Giant, "strike a bargain with the master of the boat they take. Most of them would gladly take you for one of those beautiful shining pots your people make, or a set of these plates. In my land they will bring a high price. My people are honest. They will not cheat you."
38 So it was The Children of Spirit dispersed, and began to fill their land. Brisk trade developed between them and the Giants. And when the people to the south learned of them, they, too, were eager to trade. Travelers returned to Tr, setting up posts on the route they had traveled. And soon caravans were travelling to and fro, over what was always called The Old Fox's Way.

A Giant showing The Children Of Spirit Their new land.

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