he studied the reports Shy Fox had given him, carefully.
8 "When we reach the dividing of the roads," he ordered Shy Fox, "I want you to go to Tr with half the army. I give you my authority of judgment. You are to hear all complaints in that land, and right any wrongs you find. Remove all those from office who have shamed their posts, and appoint those you see fit until elections can be held.
9 While you deal with Tr, I'll deal with The Holy Land. When we are done, we will resupply and meet again at the dividing of the roads and march south...I want that to be early fall. That gives you almost a whole year to do what must be done at home first.
10 I want to hear hundreds of complaints about how unjust or unfair you are being to my rich and trustworthy friends!"
11 "You will! " promised Shy Fox, "You will!"
12 As they marched, some of the men behind them were singing, and The First Speaker called back, "The ones that sound so good, get up here in the front ranks! I want to hear some of that sweet music!"
13 The men were eager to obey. As they marched their songs filled the air. The First Speaker joined in.
14 "Now, there's a Land that is fairer than morn, and by Faith we can see it afar. For our Loved Ones wait over the Way, to prepare us a Dwelling Place There.
15 (Chorus) In that sweet Land of Love, we shall meet on that beautiful shore. In that sweet Land of Love, There our Spirits will sorrow no more.
16 We shall sing on That Beautiful Shore, the glorious songs of The Blessed, and our Spirits will

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