Chapter Two

Thundering Boar went across the city to a small house where the representative of The Oneness lived. He was a kindly, crippled old man, who dealt with the exchange of prisoners and the passing of messages back and forth between The Children of Spirit and The Priest and his people. To Thundering Boar he was a man to be honored. To his own people, his post was considered a place of exile.
2 As Thundering Boar entered, the man greeted him cordially. "I wasn't aware," he remarked, "that we had taken any prisoners. Why do I have the pleasure of your company today?"
3 "You must get a message to your Priest of Priests," answered Thundering Boar. "We have developed a terrible new weapon, a weapon so powerful that it can destroy entire cities with a single blow. With it, within days, we could wipe out your people, make your land unlivable for thousands of years, cause your children to be born deformed.
4 We do not want to use this weapon, but will, if we HAVE to. I doubt your leader would believe such a weapon exists, so I am preparing a demonstration. I want him to come and see for himself what this terrible new bomb can do. I will guarantee his safe passage in and out of our Land, and he may bring with him any Scientists and equipment he wishes."
5 The Representative of The Oneness looked at Gray Boar in disbelief. "You could wipe our people out?" he asked him, "Destroy them all? Yet you are hesitant to do so? If we had such a weapon, we would destroy your entire Holy Land and you know that. Why would you spare our lives?"
6 "Life, to us, is precious," continued Thundering Boar, "we kill when it is only necessary to kill. We would not cause women and children to suffer simply because they are our enemies. We want peace, an end to

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