Chapter Six

The morning came and Bold Fox stood on the hilltop, his glass in hand. He signaled the Rocketeers and they let their weapons fly. As soon as
the clouds obscured their position, the train moved out.
2 The enemy was afraid of the clouds, but as soon as the train was visible they ran for their cannon. They were about to reach them when the first wave of gliders came over, and the Yellow Thunder started exploding amongst them. Cannon, men and sandbags flew in all directions. The enemy ran for cover.
3 The gliders came back around. As the lead one was about over the enemy, there was a sudden flash, and a tremendous roar, and where the
glider had been was only a cloud of smoke, with bits and pieces falling earthward.
4 "Damn!" cried Bold Fox. The other gliders swung away, but not for long. They were back on the enemy in minutes. "That was Leaping Toad, wasn't it?"
5 "Yes," answered Little Dog. "Because of our haste a great man has died."
6 The train was rolling into position and its cannon were already beginning to speak. The enemy now had to deal with them as well as the gliders.
7 By the time the gliders had made their last pass, the infantry was all ready in the first of the earthworks. Some of the enemy stood and fought, but many of them tried to flee. But it was too late.
8 The city had been circled and there was no place for them to go. They threw down their weapons and surrendered. "Damn," cursed the Enemy War Leader,

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