9 Speaking of work, I want a full report on your activities. I've had a few complaints from some local officials. They want to talk to one of my people about some deaths. Now, you wouldn't know what they're talking about, would you?"
10 "I haven't got the foggiest!" protested Bullet as everyone roared with laughter. "They must have me confused with someone else!"
11 "They must have!" agreed The Young Speaker. "I still, though, want to hear everything, especially about a certain Warlock of Guardians, who supposedly died during the performance of his duties in some place called The Golden Key."
12 "Oh, he was performing his duties, all right," joked Bullet, "he was, indeed!" Everyone laughed again.
13 "These next elections," continued The Young Speaker, "are important. If we win them it won't be long before we have The World Speakership in our control. We already control three-fourths of the nations, and three of the kingdoms. Once we have The World Government, we can force the rest of the nations to go back to The Old Law. The Kingdom Speakers won't be able to stop World Decrees. So from now on, things are really going to get nasty!
14 I've finished school, so they can't tie me down anymore for two-thirds of the year. From now on, I want you with me everywhere I go. The ladies can take turns accompanying us. If you think it was rough before, now it's just begun!"
15 It didn't take them long to understand what he meant. They traveled day and night. The Young Speaker lectured in every city. And though there were protests, sometimes violent ones, the lectures were always packed with supporters. The cries "Victory! Victory!" would ring out the close of every meeting.
16 The National Elections came, and then The

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