by the airport. If we don't act soon, they'll be attacking you before we can do anything. Good! All right, we're on our way!"
6 He slammed down the phone. "Get the rockets and pieces on the roofs! They fell for it! When I give the word I want every piece to swing around and blow the top off that building mistakes! Let's move, move MOVE!" He headed out the door with Bullet on his heels. They jumped in a car and sped away.
7 In a few minutes they sat on a broad boulevard where three troop carrying helicopters waited and ten gunships each loaded with six menacing looking rockets. Red Crow climbed in, put on a head set, and spun his hand in the air. The blades of the helicopters began to turn. The ten gunships lifted away and the troopships followed them.
8 "TS'es stay low!" Red Crow warned into his microphone. ''We mustn' t show ourselves until I receive the signal that everybody is in position." Ahead of them the attack ships raised up out of the boulevard and swung away. The troop transports slowed down, came to a stop behind a tall building, then slowly rose until they were just below the roof.
9 Red Crow listened through his earphones as each position reported ready. Finally he reached up and put his hand on the Pilot's shoulder just above him. "All units! " he cried into his microphone, "Fire! Fire!" He slapped the Pilot on the shoulder. "Go!" he cried, "Go!"
10 The transport lifted above the roof and when it did it looked like they were flying into a storm of fire. Rockets, anti-aircraft shells and tracers were pouring into the building from all sides. The attack ships swung in, fired two of their rockets to a time, and swung away.
11 The Lovers were fighting back from the lower windows. Rockets and machine rifles were returning a hail of fire. The barrage stopped, and the attack ships concen-

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