before The Sacred Symbol.
8 "Why," he cried, "does no one speak against this blasphemy? Why do you permit these words to be spoken in The Lords Temple without giving answer?
9 Have not The Lords clearly taught that it is not merely right for men to know women and women to know men, but it is necessary for the health of their bodies, their minds, and their Eternal Spirits? What this man and this woman say is against The Teachings of The Lords!"
10 The Temple Speaker came up. "Whose child is this?" he cried. "Why is he not controlled? He interrupts the Service. These people have the right to
speak their opinion. Who are you, an untaught child, to rebuke them? If it is necessary to rebuke them, that is MY place! Now, go back to your mother, and be still! Know your place!"
11 "My place," answered the boy, "is to serve The Lords, which YOU do not do, because you fear losing the money he gives you to support the Temple, and to do the other things that gives you pleasure. You KNOW what he says is wrong.
12 You told the Temple Council so, yesterday, but told them not to interfere with him, to let him speak whatever he would, as long as he continued to support the Temple. You can tell the people in private, that such theories are not in The Lords Teachings! "
13 "Good Lords!" gasped the Speaker, "That meeting was secret! How could YOU know what was said there?"
14 "Do you not think," asked the boy, "that The Lords were there, that They would not tell Their Servant what was said?"
15 The Speaker backed away, covering his mouth.
16 "And as to who I am," continued the boy, "I am

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