high school, his following could not be denied. In a big city where he was due to speak, The High Hood sat in his office listening to the complaints of his chieftains.
8 "This little fool," one chieftain said, "is ruining us! Every time we kill one of his followers ten more appear to take their place! They now protect the girls in the houses, and, on the street. And if they catch a boy on the street, they turn him in, or take him away somewhere.
9 Our drug dealers are afraid to try to sell. Many of them end up dead ot just disappear, their money going to charity, or this Young Speaker's supporters. There's got to be some way of stopping him!"
10 "I think," muttered The High Hood, "there is only one way, and this time it can't be ruined by some cheap amateurs! Get out!"
11 As soon as the chieftains were gone, The High Hood pressed a button on the side of his chair. A beautiful young woman entered from a side door. "Get my nephew," The High Hood told her. "Tell him to be here within two hours, then get back in here. I need some relaxation."
12 "Yes, my master," answered his secretary, and went about her task.
13 Several hours later a handsome young man entered The High Hood's office. "I told you two hours!" snapped The High Hood. "Where have you been, Bullet?"
14 "I had other business, uncle. My mother had some problems and I had to deal with them. Since you deprived her of my father, I have to be the man of her family, considering she told you what you could do with your offer of help!"
15 "Watch your mouth, young man!" The High Hood growled, "someday you may not be as necessary

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