He listened and a voice answered "Republic Forces, you misunderstand our intent!  We have detected your distress.  We only wish to provide assistance.  We mean you no harm.  Repeat, we only wish to provide you assistance."
      "I repeat," Do continued, "we know your intent.  You have launched an unprovoked attack against us.  A million or more of our people are dead.  Stand off!  Reverse your course!   If you touch our territorial limit we will fire!  Obey!  Now!"
     The voice came back, this time, angry.  "Republic vessels, we do not recognize your territorial limit.  As far as we are concerned this is our territory!  These islands are our property.  You are here as our guests.  You are in distress and we have a right to render assistance.  You will not order us away!  You have no authority to do so.  We will proceed to land our forces on our territory.  If you interfere we will destroy you.!"
     "Go to hell!"  Do snapped.  He turned to his weapons officer and ordered "Fire first volley!" 
     In moments missile after missile roared away from The Mary Marie's launchers.  The shore batteries joined in as did the cutter.  They watched.  The enemy's countermeasures weren't very good. They stopped two in ten of their missiles.  The rest got through.  Several of the enemy ships including one of his best destroyers, turned for home. 
     "Well, that evened the odds a little bit!"  Do remarked.  "Lock on remaining targets and fire a second volley!"
"Sir!" an officer cried, "The Patrick Henry has straightened out!  It's proceeding towards the enemy and launching.  They're at almost point blank range!  The enemy wasn't even locked onto them, they were ignoring them!  They have no time to use their countermeasures.  They're blowing them out of the water, missile after missile!  She's expending everything she's got, opening up on the smaller ships with her guns.  She's clobbering them sir!"
     "Good old Warlock Harrison!"  Do cried.  "He was playing possum.  He lured them in and chewed their butts!  When his ordinance is spent he'll probably run to the base for reload.  Bless his sneaky little heart!"
"Sir!"  another officer snapped, "The Detroit is gone.  She got all her weapons away then took two missiles.  But we see a lot of people in the water.  Her captain may have put most of them over the side before they fired."
     "Well, we've done far more damage than we should have been able to do," Do commented.  "Save our last missiles for close in defense.  Most of them are running.  There's only eight of them still coming, their best warship, and some cutters.  We'll wait until they're good and close, and then close for the kill."
     "Sir," an officer remarked, "we've only got ten missiles left.  That's going to leave very little room for error!"
     "Then we hadn't better make any!"  Do remarked.  "I wonder why the enemy hasn't used any of his aircraft?"
     A communications officer spoke up.  "Because they've been busy other places, sir," he answered.  "They've struck our bases in all the surrounding nations.  But they didn't get away, they did considerable damage but almost every one of their aircraft has been shot down.  They've delivered their one big punch, but I don't think it was enough."
     "More casualties," Do remarked, "more blood to be accounted for.  Send a signal to all surrounding bases.  'If you can attack enemy ships now returning to their harbors, it would be of benefit.  We don't want them coming back.'"
     The communications officer got busy.  A few minutes later he answered, "Sir, all ground bases answer 'Our aircraft on their way.  Enemy vessels are going to receive a warm welcome home!'"
     "Good!"  Do snapped, "Good!"

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