How To Cure A Psychic Vampire
By Speaker Gerald A. Polley
Spiritist Publications By The Polleys


It is so incredible for someone to say that they can heal a psychic vampire! How could that possibly be done? Well, to explain it in the simplest way possible, those afflicted with this condition have fisaures in their souls that leak spiritual energy. Whenever they're near anyone of the opposite sex they draw in energy to replace that that they're losing. The worse the fissures the more energy they have to draw from others. There are always two or three fissures, never less than two, never more than three. And the most common arrangement is the longest one in the center and the two shorter ones on either side. See the illustrations below.

The treatment is simple. A Lord Of Light becomes one with the afflicted person, puts a tremendous charge of energy over the fissures and seals it with an artificial layer of soul's corona to keep it in place, usually enough with the first two treatments, to last a week. Then as the treatment is successful the last time, enough to last a month. The energy that The Lord Of Light gives is slightly noncompatible. Not enough so the soul won't use it, but enough so the soul doesn't like it, and want to keep more of it from coming in. So the soul will begin to repair its surface to close the fissures. So eventually after the treatments are completed the fissures will be completely closed. The Lord Of Light basically tricks the soul into repairing itself. It is a simple process but can have some side effects.

The healed person may find it difficult to live a normal life, and need a little extra guidance in social affairs. And The Lord Of Light's energy may become like a narcotic to the individual, and they may find themselves drawn to stay in Their vacinity to get a supply of that energy from time to time, either from The Lord Of Light, Themselves, or one of Their associates, usualliy through normal social contact. But to be free of the burden of drawing life energy from others these are small prices to pay, and not suffered by the majority of psychic vampires that are cured. Most go on to live a normal and successful life. Though it is not unusual for them to become religious leaders in their communities, and a guiding force for others. But this is how a Lord of Light will cure this condition.

But one other note; if a male psychic vampire should try to draw the life energy that a Lord Of Light has used to treat a female it could be lethal! It could shatter their entire nervous system and if not kill them, leave them a vegatable! So it would be very advisable for any woman being treated to stay away from any males she knows share her problem. Unless, of course, she wants to send them to oblivion!

Illustration of a damaged soul of a psychic vampire.
Front view showing the fissures that cause the condition.


Illustration of a damaged soul of a psychic vampire.
Sliced view showing how the fissures penetrate into the soul.

If you have any questions or commens you can email Speaker Polley at

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