Chapter Two
He Takes Command

"The ship doesn't belong to my friends. It's a rogue...privateer. It came in so fast and under so heavy shielding they weren't able to detect it, until it was already making entry. You don't have to worry about the radiation. It's only residue from the thrust. It'll fade in a couple of hours. The real problem is she's emitting a quarantine signal, very weak."
"What's that mean?" the second agent asked.
Captain Eldridge trembled when he said the word, "Epidemic?"
The Reverend nodded.
"How bad?" the agent asked, trying to control his increasing case of nerves.
"No way of telling, son," the older man told him, "'til we can determine where the ship came from."
"What'll we do?" the second agent asked.
"Encase the ship," the Reverend told him, "air tight. Put experimental animals in the enclosed area. If they start dying nuke it. Hydrogen bomb would be best. The ship's shields are down. When it goes it'll add a little kick that will guarantee total destruction. It's a good thing it's Wyoming. We can lose fifty miles of Wyoming or better without too much difficulty. I'd advise you to start evacuating immediately."
The Reverend rose. "Well, gentlemen, I've got to get back to work. My day off tomorrow."
"Will your friends help us?" Eldridge asked.
The Reverend shook his head. "Not a prayer." He started to walk off again and Eldridge called after him once more. "Will YOU help us?"
The Reverend stopped and turned back. "Not unless I'm given absolute authority," he snapped. "The job is done by my rules. I have absolute command INCLUDING authority to detonate the bomb. No questions, no arguments. When I say something is to be done, it is to be done, and strictly volunteers. I want no man in that area that doesn't know if whatever in that ship gets loose I'd use the bomb, no question. Under those conditions I'd help, no others. Understood?"
Eldridge nodded. The Reverend walked off and the two agents stared at each other for several moments. Then Eldridge snapped out of it and ran off. He was soon on the phone in the car racing back to headquarters, and all hell broke loose.
A couple of hours went by and the phone rang in Eldridge's office. "Agent Eldridge?" a voice asked.
"Yes, sir!" Eldridge answered.
"This is The White House," the voice continued. "The President will be with you in a moment. Please hold the line."
"The President?" Eldridge whispered.
A moment later a familiar voice came on the line. "Good evening, Agent Eldridge!"
"Good evening, sir," Eldridge answered.
"I had to call you, Agent Eldridge," The President continued, "because at present you're the closest to the party we have need of, and I need your opinion. How did he react when he became aware of the situation?"
"Pretty cold, Mr. President. But I think he was worried. He didn't want to show it but I think he may have even been a touch frightened."
"I see," The President continued. "Tell me, Agent Eldridge, in a life and death situation would you follow that man's orders?"
Eldridge hesitated a moment then answered in a clear precise voice, "YES, Mr. President. He gives the impression of someone who knows what he is doing. I wouldn't want to be in any operation against him."
The line was silent for several seconds, then The President spoke again. "Agent Eldridge, if I request you do so, would you accompany this man on this operation knowing the circumstances?"
Eldridge straightened. "If it is your wish, Mr. President," he agreed, "Of course, I'd volunteer."
"Thank you, Mr. Eldridge!" The President acknowledged. "Please get some rest. Aircraft are being mobilized, papers being prepared. As soon as they are ready they will reach your office. You may get very little rest after that. And Mr. Eldridge....."
"Yes, sir?" Eldridge asked.
"God be with you, sir."
"God be with us all, Mr. President!" Eldridge answered.
The line went dead and Eldridge hung up the phone. He threw off his jacket and laid down on the couch. It seemed like he had just fallen asleep when someone was shaking his shoulder. It was an Air Force officer holding a uniform.
"You'd better get dressed, Captain," he ordered, "your papers are here, so are the General's. I understand this is a hazardous operation, sir!"
Eldridge rose and began to strip off his street clothes. "You don't know the half of it," he told the officer. He gave him a full briefing as they sped across town. The Lieutenant fell silent as they approached the Reverend's house. Two huge dogs of unknown breed sat just inside the fence watching the approaching strangers with interest.
The Reverend emerged from the door and gave two sharp whistles. Both dogs spun, bolted across the yard, and took up position on either side of him.
Eldridge had the thought he wouldn't want to try to enter that house  without permission. He stood at the end of the porch and handed the Reverend a large envelope.
"My compliments, sir," he announced. "You have been recalled to active duty. Transportation is waiting at the airport. You have full command of the situation. The President sends his compliments."
A short, pleasant faced, gray headed woman emerged from the house. Eldridge realized she was younger than she appeared. The Reverend bent down and kissed her cheek.
"As usual," he said, "my day off has been spoiled again! I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Be careful!" his wife instructed.
"I always am!" the Reverend told her. He followed Eldridge to the car and began to change as they drove. As he buttoned the jacket Eldridge looked at the name tag; Starr, with two rs. As the Reverend fastened his I.D. to the pocket he got the rest of the name....Norman. General Norman Starr. It almost seemed familiar to him, as if he'd heard it before.
"What's your first name, son?" the General asked.
"Donald, sir!" Eldridge told him.
"My nickname's North, Donald. I hate formality. If we're going to die together, let's die on a first name basis, all right?"
Donald couldn't help but smile. "Yes, sir!" he snapped, "But if possible let's LIVE on a first name basis!"
"Sounds good to me, Donald," North answered, "sounds REAL good to me!"

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