Chapter Eighteen
The Closest First

Mike Montaine soared through the stars and approached the first MLC. As he touched the control panel, the entire device exploded into blinding white light, sending razor edged pieces through his body. Mike cried out in agony, and put his hands up to his eyes. Feeling a warm, wet stickiness on his face, he brought them away again, and discovered they were cut and bleeding, as was his face. He found himself falling toward the Earth and as he fell he saw Earth no longer existed. He heard himself cry out as he fainted into a welcomed blackness, darker than space could ever be. Then, he was somehow sitting up, and opening his eyes. Terrified, it took Mike a few moments to realize he was in the darkness of his apartment, in his own bed, that the horrible events just passed were only illusions from a horrifying nightmare!
He sat trembling, for a few minutes, feeling the fear from the dream still clinging to his vibrations like morning dampness clings to the grass. There was something unusually realistic about this one, and he hoped with all his heart, it wasn't prophetic. Horton spoke to him once about the symbolism of dreams, but Mike remained too shaken to try and decipher the meaning, if any, of it. Jeanie had been stirring, feeling his uneasiness even in her own deep slumber, and he knew it was best not to wake her. Finally able to get up, he stumbled to the kitchen and switched on their small night light. "God damn!" Mike whispered, as he was able to see the clock. It was four a.m.....Tuesday morning....the morning of May 10, 2021, when he would finally go up to disarm the MLCs.
Knowing further sleep was an impossibility, he grabbed his robe, washcloth, and towel, and headed for the shower. About half an hour later he returned feeling a little better, dressing in his best pair of jeans and a plaid summer shirt. The desire to leave before Jeanie awoke became his priority goal for the early morning hours, knowing she would be emotionally shattered with thoughts of his unsure return. At last he was ready to head out for The Institute. Finding it difficult even to take hold of the doorknob, Mike paused, swallowing hard, and turned to stare at Jeanie, who still slept comfortably. He felt like bursting into tears, but somehow kept his emotions in check.
"I love you so much no words can, hell, Jeanie, don't worry, I'll be back....I'll be back!" he managed to whisper before going out the door and shutting it quietly behind him. It was dawn by the time he reached the Observatory and was surprised to find Cooper there on the steps, waiting for him. Mike could imagine what had been going through his mind!
"Hello, son!" Cooper said with that smile he could manage through his sleepy look.
"Couldn't sleep, big day and all. Guess it must be catching, huh?"

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