"If it's been THAT long since you used the bathroom, you should to see Horton right away for a check up. No telling what's the matter. If you're not feeling any discomforts, maybe the condition that coincides with your "new self", but we can't be certain. We can spare you for a little while, here. I don't want to scare you, but get down to that clinic, NOW!"
Mike nervously stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He swallowed hard. "Yes, sir!" he said and made his way to Dr. Horton's office.
After Mike had explained everything about his condition once again, while Horton took notes, the man merely raised his eyebrows in amazement. Then, he ushered the boy to the x-ray machine for several pictures.
He also did the routine exam and took a few samples that he could usually get from his patient's elusive metabolism. When the x-rays were ready, Mike felt a bit more confident to see the doctor was smiling when he came out some time later to give the diagnosis.
"Well, from what I've seen from these x-rays, son," he was told, "the reason that your body isn't functioning in its usual manner is that it doesn't have to any more! Some effect of the transporter malfunction has made it so when you eat your food and drink, they are almost immediately absorbed and turned into energy for you to use. This is what helps you to perform your tremendous super feats. Your body has great difficulty keeping up with the amount of energy you use, that is why you have to eat so much, and, so frequently. I'm not sure if this condition is permanent, however, so....." Dr. Horton went over to the top drawer of a metal storage cabinet and removed from it a transparent bag which held some clear sterile plastic specimen containers with covers. "If anything ever does happen, would you please save me some samples? This is very important to me, so I hope you will remember it if the time comes."
Mike found himself speechless at his elder's words, so he managed a nod of agreement.
"Oh, my God!" he finally whispered after a few moments. Then, after he'd somewhat composed himself he explained, "Doc, I never thought much about this when it all started, but when I found out I could fly, that I was stronger than other people, my other powers, I didn't really feel that different from everyone else. But now that you've told me this; I mean, it's just not human! I don't feel human any more! What else won't I be able to do? Will I be able to lead any kind of normal life at all? It's getting so hard to keep my secret in the lab. And what about my future plans? I guess this means I won't be able to get any closer to Jeanie. Oh, doc, I don't know if she'll have anything to do with me when she finds this out. How do I know if, when it's time, I'll still be able to.......?"
Dr. Horton knew his young friend's meaning immediately. He walked back and forth at the end of the exam table Mike sat on, then stopped at his left side. He chuckled.



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