Mike knew this problem would be overcome in time, and they would be able to reach one-another automatically, no matter where they were, or what they were doing. Mike hoped this would happen soon, in case of danger!
"Hey!" Susie put in, sounding both irritated and amused. "Did you ever feel like you were being ignored? What's going on here? I asked you something three times, Mike, and you didn't answer."
"Ooops, sorry!" he told her, "I....er....was just daydreaming!"
Larry couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sheepish grin on Mike's face. They made it to the apartment without further incident.
Mike brought out his guitar after a quick supper, and had a good time singing a few of his friends' requests. Then, he just played some slower old songs, while Larry took turns dancing with Susie and Jeanie. After a while Larry thanked Mike for a wonderful evening, and escorted Susie to his own apartment. Mike said good night to them at the door with the guitar still in his hand. After he'd shut the door once again, he turned back to Jeanie, who sat on the sofa.
"They make a nice couple, don't they?" Jeanie asked.
"Yeah. I've thought that, ever since I first was introduced to Susie. But speaking of couples, right now I'm going to play you a song I know you'll love....a nice romantic song."
Mike sat down next to Jeanie and began to tune the instrument. After he'd played the first few cords, one of the strings snapped right in half!
"Oh, damn!" she cursed. "It was beautiful! Now what are you going to do?"
"I don't know. This is one of the most important strings on my guitar, and, one of the hardest to find in the stores. It costs a fortune to order them!" Mike unhooked the broken pieces and held them up before him, one in each hand, with the top ends just barely touching. "I wish I could just hold them together like this, and say, 'Be fixed,' and it would happen, but it doesn't...."
Suddenly, a bright white light flashed in front of Mike. Jeanie gasped, startled. It vanished in seconds.
"Hey! What was that?" he asked, completely shaken by the surprise. Then, he went to seperate the broken guitar string to put it in a safe place, and to his amazement, discovered it WAS indeed, whole again! Mike pulled on it to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, then let go of one end. "Look! It worked! I DID fix it!" he cried, in a shocked tone of voice.
"Oh, no! Oh, my God!" Jeanie whispered, then she yelled, "Oh, DAMN!" and spun away from Mike, angrily, walking a few steps. She stayed standing there, her back to him, looking like she was in tears. 

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