Chapter 26

The following morning was a media frenzy. First the current Fist Lady arrived with full entourage. Then, her aunt arrived and joined the encampment. Then Former First Lady Day arrived! Barely ahd she settled into a tent then both Presidential candidates arrived! It was an absolute frenzy! When Mrs. West came up to the podium the crowd was screaming and applauding. "The Cries "Maryjane! Maryjane! Maryjane!" took quite a while to settle down, but finally the reporters were able to ask them questions. "Madame Candidate," a man screamed, "why are you taking time from your campaign to come here and be incarcerated? Don't you think it'll hurt your bid" Maryjane laughed. "Well, as my opponent is joining me," she answered, "I don't think I'm going to lose any ground. And I most sincerely thank him for this bipartisan effort to restore to the American people their right of property. That is why I am here, because I believe in the struggle that is happening here. I believe the American people have every right to the unobstructed use of their property as long as that use does NOT endanger the public safety. And I do not believe what The Children Of The Lords are doing here in any way threatens the public safety. The slogan of my campaign is "Do what is right." I cannot ask other people to stand for what is right, if I myself, am unwilling to do so. SO, I am here to put my body on the line, to stand with those fighting for their rights. I am here supporting a just and noble cause and I am so glad that there are so many wonderful people here with me. God bless and keep them all, no matter what they choose to call Him!" The crowd roared with approval. "Mrs. West!" a reporter asked, "Why isn't your husband here?"
"An embarrassing situation," the candidate answered. "My husband stubbed his toe and impacted a toenail. Because of our busy schedule he ignored properly treating it. He is now hospatalized with a severe infection. He wanted to come very much but the doctor forbade it. He is in hopes that he will be able to come up in a few weeks if this unfortunateness is not over by then, which we will sincerely hope it will be."
"Do send him our best regards," the reporter insisted. "I most certainly will!" Maryjane answered. "Now I would like to let my esteemed opponent speak." She stepped down and her opponent took the podium. "Senator Dodge," a reporter cried, "strange bedfellows?"
The senator laughed. "No," he answered, "just people who have a cause I have to support. I can't let my dear opponent take such an unfair advantage as this, to come here and get so much free publicity on such a noble cause. Of course most of you do not know that years ago when I was a child our ancestral home was seized by right of eminent domain to build a sports facility. My family strongly protested at the time, but then a community's right to seize property if they considered it in the public interest was unquestionable. Well, now it IS questioned. The right of people to responsibly use their property is supported by many Americans. And I join that battle happily. Thank you for hearing my comments. But now we'd like to get into the thick of it, make our statement." The senator left the podium and everybody followed the party to their tents and monitored their arrest. The court was filled with reporters and they were processed. The judge made some course remarks about their involvement being inappropriate which brought immediate rebuke from all over the country. The boycott of Vermont was becoming almost crippling. Major chains were shutting down their stores because of lack of business. The Spiritists were shipping in supplies from surrounding states. Some talk was made of blocking those shipments but it was decided there was no legal way it could be done. Where people chose to purchase their goods was up to them. Everyone was looking to The Vermont Supreme Court, and wondering why they didn't act. The governor's calls to his old friend became desperate. Victor Dinsmore found himself besieged with calls from organizations throughout the state begging the snowmobile club to request that the property be returned to The Spiritists. Hate mail poured into his home. There were threats against him and his family. Then his wife came into the kitchen holding a box of tampons.
"Didn't know you still needed those," Victor joked.
"I don't!" his wife answered, "but Cheryl does...or, she DID. She hasn't touched the box this month."
"Oh, God!" Dinsmore moaned.
When his daughter came home he confronted her. "ARE you?" he asked.
"I think so," she answered.
"Who?" her father asked.
"Richard Hatfield," Cheryl answered. "We've been seeing each other secretly, though his parents forbade it."
Dinsmore looked at her, deeply hurt, then picked up the phone. It took quite a bit to get through but he finally had the senior Hatfield on the line. "Well," he finally managed, "I guess our kids have put us in quite a predicament. We're not getting along, definitely, but obviously they have been....quite well! Of course my son will take full responsibility for his actions. That is without question. DO you wish to wait until the problems between us are resolved or arrange a ceremony now? Private quarters for them can be arranged on the resort, and of course your daughter may cone and go as she wishes."
Dinsmore thought hard for several minutes. "I don't suppose it's right," he sighed, "to keep them apart. But I'd like to get to know your son a little bit. Would you feel it inappropriate if he visits? We can plan some officialness at the end of the month."
There was a few moments of silence, then Hatfield replied "Certainly! My son will be down this evening. You'll

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