The above is a map of The Capitol Of The Kingdom Of God in The Afterlife, what is commonly referred to as The Spirit Realm.

____________ A single line indicates boundaries, separations of space.

____________ A double line indicates the hill upon which The Capitol of The Kingdom Of God sits. It is 100 ft. above the ground level, below. All The Apostles Houses back to the wall of the hill.

Directly below Jesus' Residence, what is said to be beneath His feet, on the ground level beneath The Capitol is The Hall Of Judgment, where the souls of mankind are judged before they enter into The Kingdom Of God. There are 10 entrance ports into The Capitol where visitors arrive. These are located between The Apostles' Houses. Any of these portals are normally available, but the most commonly used ones are those closest to Jesus' Residence, between the Residences of Bartholomew and James, and between Andrew and Philip's Residences. Visitors coming into The Kingdom Of God that have occasion to visit one of the partiucular Apostles for some reason, often use the portal closest to Their Residence.

The Apostles do all Their Work from Their Residences. They are also Their Offices. Jesus, when He is not in The Hall Of Judgment, does all other Work from His Residence as well.

The Capitol is beautiful beyond belief! Each Residence is an architecht's dream, and the central park in Its middle is adorned with the monuments to The Saints and the park before Jesus' Residence has the monuments to The Prophets. Each sabbath Jesus walks through The Monuments To The Prophets to The Eastern Way and goes to The Holy Of Holies to lead The Worship Of God. At the conclusion of The Services He returns by The Western Way. The streets are always lined with people praising Him and asking for blessings.

The Capitol Of The Kingdom Of God is located in The Spirit World's equivalent of Jerusalem, and what is called The Temple Mount. Except on the sabbath visitors are always welcome to walk Its broad Ways and admire Its beauty, even if they are not Jews, Christians, or Muslims. All who come in peace are welcome to stroll through The Capitol and admire what Its Loving Residents have created. We hope you enjoy this map, and share it with others.

For a list of the current Apostles and Their Duties, go to

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To See A Map Of The Holy Of Holies In The Kingdom Of God.