Chapter 2

   "Yes," the stranger answered, "or as close to him as you will accept.  Though with your knowledge of spirituality I cannot understand why you can't accept completely. But we have no time for arguments now.  The ship you encountered was from a very disturbed race that has developed a great deal of technology.  To explain it simply, they think they're everything;  that the entire universe belongs to them, and they seek to destroy all else until they are all that is left in the universe."
   "Another Godden Empire?  The Ancient One muttered.
   "Far worse than your empire," the stranger answered.  "They do not even keep other races as slave labor.  Their purpose is to destroy everything except what they consider perfection.  They have come here for a purpose. They have sent their agents into the past and intend for them to change key events in history so that the seeds will be set for man's destruction, so that man will never go into the stars and challenge their power.  I needed capable individuals to stop them.  I will move you from time to time so you can hunt out these beings' agents and destroy them.  Under the circumstances, knowing your nature, I did not think you would not resist."
   The Ancient One  shook his head.  "Time travel is impossible!" he remarked.  "My people tried and tried to accomplish it. We never succeeded.  Therefore, I have great doubts as to the validity of what you're saying."
   "You have also commented," the stranger answered, "that though your people were powerful and capable of traveling 700 times the speed of light, you did not know everything, which is probably a very good thing!  Now we really must get going!  I do not know exactly what each group of the aliens plans to do.  I was only able to track them to this location.  You would have to determine what they are up to and stop it!  When you have succeeded here, I will send you on to the next location.
   "If you can give me an explanation," The Ancient One answered,  "of how we were able to travel through time, then I would cooperate. But until you can convince me that this isn't some kind of illusion, I'll sit right here on my butt and do nothing!"
   The stranger shook his head.  "Your legendary stubbornness!"  he remarked.  "You were right!  Physical forms cannot travel in time. That's why you and your adversaries transgress time in your spiritual forms.  In those forms you can transgress time, as they have no real physical essence."
   "Is that possible?"  The Ax Man asked.
   "Well, this surely doesn't seem like an illusion," The Ancient One answered.  "I guess now we're gonna have to take o' Jehovah at His word and that we are where we appear to be.  And we really need to fix what's wrong.  O.k., we'll play! The most logical thing here is that Custer and his people were supposed to get slaughtered. If they didn't that would really mess up history!  SO if these people are going to do anything, they're probably going to try to make it so Custer and his people survive.  We'd better do a little reconnoitering."
   "Good!"  the stranger snapped. "Oh!  It's Yahweh, by the way, not Jehovah."
   The Ancient One smiled.  "O.k.," he answered, "glad to meet you, Yahweh!"
The being smiled, and The Ancient One and his companions looked away for a moment in the direction of a loud cry.  When they looked back their visitor was gone.
   "Well!"  The Ancient One moaned, "Here's another nice mess we've gotten ourselves into!  We'd better try to find out what's amiss.  Last stand hill is over that way.  If anybody's going to try to mess things up that's where they'd do it. Let's see what we can find!"
   The others nodded and they rode out, The Ancient One keeping careful watch around him.  He was aware eyes were watching them, but weren't yet ready to challenge them.  He hoped they would realize they were on their side before they decided to attack.  He didn't want to mess up history.

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